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Chevrolet Cruze - Probleme Tehnice

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Salut Alice,


Cum zicea si Mircea comportamentul este corect: atat timp cat vrea sa faca cald, baga pe la picioare (pentru ca aerul cald se ridica oricum) si cand vrea sa bage rece, baga in primul rand prin fata.


1. Nu iti va baga niciodata aer cald prin fata pe Auto pentru ca ai avea o senzatie de disconfort pentru ca ai respira direct aerul cald si ti se va usca mucoasa nazala. Asta era greseala pe care o faceam la Nubira si tot timpul simteam nasul uscat.

2. Aproape intotdeauna cand pornesti motorul si e pe Auto va baga pe la parbriz si iti va porni si compresorul AC pentru a dezaburi rapid. Daca vede ca temperatura e scazuta in continuare in masina va baga mai apoi si pe la picioare, dar prima lui grija e sa dezabureasca ca sa poti sa pleci.

3. Daca senzorul e plasat aiurea poti sa-l muti intr-un loc mai bun. Este foarte important ca senzorul sa nu fie in bataia vreunui curent de aer, altfel va raporta informatii gresite. La Lacetti dupa cum spune si Mircea e pe bord, undeva langa butucul de cheie, iar la Epica e pus deasupra scumierei, in zona de comanda a climei.

4. 53-54 grade e suficient, gandeste-te ca e o masina, nu o casa, se incalzeste rapid.

5. Am observat ca pe incalzire, AC-ul nu prea face mare lucru, de fapt in cele mai multe cazuri nu face nimic. Diesel-urile noastre au incalzire auxiliara cu rezistenta si pe aia se bazeaza pana cand se incalzeste motorul.

6. Pot sa spun ca fata de Nubira, Epica e lux la incalzire, chiar daca Nubira era pe benzina. De cele mai multe ori mergeam cu Nubira cativa km buni ca sa pice turturii de pe mine :D .


PS: Vad ca te pricepi cu microcontrolerele si iti place sa mesteresti electronice. Mi-a placut mult car kit-ul pe care l-ai facut si ma gandeam sa fac si eu unul ;) , insa timpul nu prea imi permite sa ma ocup si de mesterit electronice (la birou fac decat proiectare). Ma gandeam sa gasesc o metoda mai non-invaziva (nu vreau sa desfac unitatea audio), dar deocamdata nu am nici o idee.

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3. Probabil, dar inca nu m-am dumirit care e senzorul. Iar daca este in aceeasi capsula cu cel de lumina & intensitate radiatie solara, in curentul de aer, nu am cum sa-l mut.

4. Nu stiu ce sa zic, la alte masini temperatura e mult mai mare (la mana).

5. AC-ul raceste si dezumidifica. In mod normal, pe incalzire, la maxim, nu ar trebui sa treaca aerul prin vaporizatorul AC-ului.

6. Fata de Cielo, asta e muci :(


Car kit-ul nu este cine-stie-ce. Trebuie sa dau volumul la maxim pt. a auzi interlocutorul si nici el nu ma aude foarte bine.

Poate o sa iau unul dedicat si sa-l adaptez un pic.


Unitatea audio nu inteleg de ce ai vrea sa o desfaci, nu ai treaba cu ea. Varianta simpla este:

Hands-free pe cablu, conectat pe mufa de AUX. Cand te suna cineva, comuti manual pe AUX.



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Ahaaaaa, nu intelesesem eu bine, credeam ca te-ai legat in paralel pe pe pinii de la mufa AUX si ii faci tu scurt din microcontroler ca sa creada ca are mufa conectata. La mine CD si AUX sunt pe acelasi buton, asta inseamna ca merge ori AUX ori CD? :scarpin:


Daca l-au pus in aceeasi capsula cu cel de radiatie solara e stupid rau. Sub parbriz vara e mult mai cald, iar iarna e mai frig. Ar fi ilogic sa-l puna acolo. In plus, senzorul de temperatura trebuie pus intr-o zona in care sa comunice direct cu habitaclul. La mine cel de radiatie solara e complet inchis intr-o sfera care face o filtrare a luminii. De pe site-ul Chevrolet asa pare sa fie si la tine, deci nu are ce cauta senzorul de temperatura acolo.


Edit: Uite ce am gasit pe www.chevroletcruzeforum.com/index.php?/topic/96-outside-temperature-indicator/page__st__20


Automatic HVAC Description and Operation

Automatic HVAC Description and Operation


The air temperature and the air delivery description and operation are divided into eight areas:

• HVAC Control Components

• Air Speed

• Air Delivery

• Heating and A/C Operation

• Recirculation Operation

• Automatic Operation

• Engine Coolant

• A/C Cycle

HVAC Control Components

HVAC Control


The HVAC control contains all switches, which are required to control the functions of HVAC and serve as interface between the operator and the HVAC control module. The selected values are passed to the HVAC control module via LIN-Bus.

HVAC Control Module


The HVAC control module is a GMLAN device that interfaces between the operator and the HVAC system to maintain and control desired air temperature and air distribution settings. The battery positive voltage circuit provides power that the HVAC control module uses for keep alive memory. If the battery positive voltage circuit loses power, all HVAC DTCs and settings will be erased from keep alive memory. The body control module (BCM), which is the vehicle mode master, provides a device ON-Signal. The HVAC control module provides blower, air delivery mode and air temperature settings.


The HVAC control module supports the following features:










Available if reprogrammed by the technician












Actuator Calibration




Mode Actuator


The mode actuator is a 5-wire stepper motor. The HVAC control module supplies a 12 V reference voltage to the stepper motor and energizes the 4 stepper motor coils with a pulsed ground signal. The stepper motor puts the mode flap into the calculated position in order to reach the selected position. The null point of the stepper motor will be calibrated, if the stepper motor is new. When the stepper motor is calibrated, the HVAC control module can drive the applicable coil to reach exactly the desired position of the flap.

Air Temperature Actuator


The air temperature actuator is a 5-wire stepper motor. The HVAC control module supplies a 12 V reference voltage to the stepper motor and energizes the 4 stepper motor coils with a pulsed ground signal. The stepper motor puts the mixed air flap into the calculated position, in order to reach the selected temperature. The null point of the stepper motor will be calibrated, if the stepper motor is new. When the stepper motor is calibrated, the HVAC control module can drive the applicable coil to reach exactly the desired position of the flap.

Recirculation Actuator


The recirculation actuator is a 5-wire stepper motor. The HVAC control module supplies a 12 V reference voltage to the stepper motor and energizes the 4 stepper motor coils with a pulsed ground signal. The stepper motor puts the recirculation flap into the calculated position in order to reach the desired position. The null point of the stepper motor will be calibrated, if the stepper motor is new. When the stepper motor is calibrated, the HVAC control module can drive the applicable coil to reach exactly the desired position of the flap.

Blower Motor Control Processor


The blower motor control processor controls the speed of the blower motor by increasing or decreasing the voltage drop on the ground side of the blower motor. The HVAC control module provides a low side pulse width modulation (PWM) signal to the blower motor control processor via the blower motor speed control circuit. As the requested blower speed increases, the HVAC control module increases the amount of time that the speed signal is modulated to ground. As the requested blower speed decreases, the HVAC control module decreases the amount of time that the signal is modulated to ground.

Air Quality Sensor


The HVAC control module detects exhaust gas by an air quality sensor. The air quality sensor is a 3-wire sensor with an ignition voltage circuit, a ground circuit and a signal circuit. The HVAC control module evaluates the information of the air quality sensor and closes the recirculation flap, while the air quality sensor switch is pressed, as soon as the concentration of pollutants exceeds a predefined value.

Duct Temperature Sensors


The air temperature sensors are 2-wire negative temperature co-efficient thermistors. The sensors operate within a temperature range of -40 to +85°C (-40 to +185°F). The sensors are installed in the air distribution ducts and measure the temperature of the air that streams from the ducts. The HVAC control module uses these values to calculate the mixed air flap position.

Evaporator Temperature Sensor


The evaporator temperature sensor is a 2-wire negative temperature co-efficient thermistor. The sensor operates within a temperature range of -40 to +85°C (-40 to +185°F). The sensor is installed at the evaporator and measures its temperature. If the temperature drops under 3°C (38°F), the compressor will be switched off in order to prevent a frozen evaporator.

A/C Refrigerant Pressure Sensor


The A/C refrigerant pressure sensor is a 3-wire piezoelectric pressure transducer. A 5 V reference voltage, low reference, and signal circuits enable the sensor to operate. The A/C pressure signal can be between 0.2-4.8 V. When the A/C refrigerant pressure is low, the signal value is near 0 V. When the A/C refrigerant pressure is high, the signal value is near 5 V. The engine control module (ECM) converts the voltage signal to a pressure value. When pressure is too high or too low, the ECM will not allow the A/C compressor clutch to engage.

A/C Compressor


The A/C compressor is belt driven and operates when the magnetic clutch is engaged. When the A/C switch is pressed, the HVAC control module sends an A/C request message to the ECM via CAN-Bus. Therefore the ECM grounds the A/C compressor clutch relay control circuit, which will switch the A/C compressor clutch relay. With the relay contacts closed, battery voltage is supplied to the A/C compressor clutch. The A/C compressor clutch will be activated.

Windshield Temperature and Inside Moisture Sensor


The windshield temperature and inside moisture sensor includes the relative humidity sensor, windshield temperature sensor and humidity sensing element temperature sensor.


This sensor assembly provides information about:

• Relative humidity level at windshield (compartment side)

• Temperature of the windshield inside (compartment side)

• Temperature of the humidity sensor element


The relative humidity sensor measures the relative humidity of the compartment side of the windshield. It also detects the temperature of the windshield surface on the passenger compartment side. Both values are used as control inputs for the HVAC control module application to calculate the fog risk on windshield compartment side and ability to reduce fuel consumption by decreasing A/C compressor power to a minimum without causing any fog. The sensor will also enable partial recirculation mode in order to improve heat-up performance of the passenger compartment under cold ambient temperature conditions without the risk of mist build-up on the windshield. The humidity sensor element temperature sensor supplies the temperature of the humidity sensor element. It is only needed if the thermal contact between the humidity sensing element and the inside windshield surface is not sufficient.

Ambient Light/Sunload Sensor


The ambient light/sunload sensor includes the sunload sensor and passenger compartment temperature sensor.


This sensor assembly provides information about:

• Sun heat intensity

• Passenger compartment temperature


The solar sensor is connected to ground and to a 5 V stabilized voltage supply through the HVAC control module. As the sunload increases, the sensor signal voltage also increases and vice versa. The signal varies between 1.4-4.5 V and is provided to the HVAC control module.


The passenger compartment temperature sensor is a negative temperature co-efficient thermistor. A signal and low reference circuit enables the sensor to operate. As the air temperature increases, the sensor resistance decreases. The sensor signal varies between 0-5 V.


Bright or high intensity light causes the vehicles interior temperature to increase. The HVAC system compensates for the increased temperature by diverting additional cool air into the vehicle.

Air Speed


The blower control switch is part of the HVAC control. The selected value of the blower switch position is sent to the HVAC control module via LIN-Bus.


The blower motor control module is an interface between HVAC control module and blower motor. The blower motor control module regulates supply voltage and ground circuits to blower motor. The HVAC control module provides a PWM signal to the blower motor control module in order to command the desired blower motor speed. The blower motor control module supplies battery voltage to the blower motor and uses the blower motor ground as a low side control to adjust the blower motor speed. The voltage amounts between 2-13 V and changes linear to the height of the PWM signal.

Air Delivery


The HVAC control module controls the distribution of air by the use of recirculation and mode actuator. The modes that may be selected are:

• Defrost

• Defog

• Panel

• Floor


The desired air distribution mode can be selected with the air distribution switches at the HVAC control. The HVAC control delivers the values to the HVAC control module via LIN-Bus. The HVAC control module controls the air distribution actuator so that it drives the flap to the calculated position. Depending on the position of the flap, air is distributed through various ducts leading to the outlets in the dash. Turning the mode flap to the defrost position, the HVAC control module will move the recirculation actuator to outside air, reducing window fogging. When defrost is selected, the blower motor will be activated, regardless of the coolant temperature. The HVAC control module enables a high volume of air delivered to the front defrost vents. A/C is available in all modes.


The rear window defogger does not affect the HVAC system.

Heating and A/C Operation


The purpose of the heating and A/C system is to provide heated and cooled air to the interior of the vehicle. The A/C system will also remove humidity from the interior and reduce windshield fogging. Regardless of the temperature setting, the following can affect the rate that the HVAC system can achieve the desired temperature:

• Recirculation actuator setting

• Difference between inside and desired temperature

• Blower motor speed setting

• Mode setting


Pressing the A/C switch or AUTO switch enables the HVAC control module to request A/C compressor engagement and turn ON the A/C switch LED respectively the AUTO switch LED if the AUTO switch is pressed. The HVAC control module sends a message to the engine control module (ECM) for A/C compressor engagement. The ECM will provide a ground for the A/C compressor relay enabling it to close its internal contacts to send battery voltage to the A/C compressor clutch coil. The A/C compressor diode will prevent a voltage peak, resulting from the collapse of the magnetic field of the coil, from entering the vehicle electrical system when the compressor is disengaged.


The following conditions must be met in order to activate the A/C compressor:

• Battery voltage is between 9-18 V.

• Engine coolant temperature is less than 124°C (255°F).

• Engine speed is greater than 600 RPM.

• Engine speed is less than 5 500 RPM.

• A/C high side pressure is between 269-2 929 kPa (39-425 PSI).

• Throttle position is less than 100%.

• Evaporator temperature is greater than 3°C (38°F).

• ECM does not detect immoderate torque load.

• ECM does not detect insufficient idle quality.

• The ambient temperature is above 1°C (34°F).


The sensor information is used by the ECM to determine the following:

• The A/C high side pressure

• An A/C system load on the engine

• The heat load at the A/C condenser


The air streams into the passenger compartment through the heater core and the evaporator core. The air temperature actuator drives the mixed air flap to induce the airflow. If the interior temperature should be increased, the mixed air flap is put into the position in which more air streams through the heater core. If the interior temperature should be decreased, the mixed air flap is put into the position in which more air streams through the evaporator core.

Recirculation Operation


The recirculation switch is part of the HVAC control. The selected recirculation switch position is sent to the HVAC control module via LIN-Bus. The HVAC control module controls the air intake through the recirculation actuator. The recirculation switch closes the recirculation flap in order to circulate the air within the vehicle. Through renewed selection of the recirculation switch, the recirculation flap is opened again in order to route outside air into the vehicle.


Recirculation is only available if the defrost mode is not active. When the defrost mode is active, the recirculation actuator opens the recirculation flap and outside air is circulated to the windshield to reduce fogging.


The HVAC control module evaluates the information of the air quality sensor and closes the recirculation flap while the air quality sensor switch is pressed, as soon as the concentration of pollutants exceeds a predefined value.


In automatic mode the values of the windshield temperature and inside moisture sensor are used as control inputs for the HVAC control module application to calculate the fog risk on the passenger compartment side of the windshield. The A/C compressor and the defrost mode are activated to prevent or remove fog on the passenger compartment side of the windshield.

Automatic Operation


In automatic operation, the HVAC control module maintains the comfort level inside of the vehicle by controlling the A/C compressor clutch, the blower motor, the air temperature actuators, mode actuator and recirculation actuator.


To put the HVAC system in automatic mode, the following is required:


1. The auto switch must be activated.

2. The air temperature switch must be in any other position than full hot or full cold position.


Once the desired temperature is reached, the blower motor, mode, recirculation and temperature actuators automatically adjust to maintain the temperature selected. The HVAC control module performs the following functions to maintain the desired air temperature:

• Monitors the following sensors:

- Ambient air temperature sensor

- Lower left air temperature sensor

- Lower right air temperature sensor

- Upper left air temperature sensor

- Upper right air temperature sensor

- Windshield temperature and inside moisture sensor

- Ambient light/sunload sensor

- Air quality sensor

• Regulate blower motor speed

• Position the air temperature actuator

• Position the mode actuator

• Position the recirculation actuator

• Request A/C operation


When the warmest position is selected in automatic operation the blower speed will increase gradually until the vehicle reaches normal operating temperature. When normal operating temperature is reached the blower stays on high speed and the air temperature actuators stays in the full heat position.


When the coldest position is selected in automatic operation the blower stays on high and the air temperature actuators stay in full cold position. The mode actuator remains in the panel position and the recirculation actuator will remain in the recirculation position.


Under cold ambient temperatures, the automatic HVAC system provides heat in the most efficient manner. The operator can select an extreme temperature setting but the system will not warm the vehicle any faster. Under warm ambient temperatures, the automatic HVAC system also provides air conditioning in the most efficient manner. Selecting an extreme cool temperature will not cool the vehicle any faster.


The HVAC control module evaluates the information of the air quality sensor and closes the recirculation flap while the air quality sensor switch is pressed, as soon as the concentration of pollutants exceeds a predefined value.


In automatic mode the values of the windshield temperature and inside moisture sensor are used as control inputs for the HVAC control module application to calculate the fog risk on the passenger compartment side of the windshield and ability to reduce fuel consumption by decreasing A/C compressor power to a minimum without causing any fog. The A/C compressor and the defrost mode are activated to prevent or remove fog on the passenger compartment side of the windshield. The sensor will also enable partial recirculation mode in order to improve heat-up performance of the passenger compartment under cold ambient temperature conditions without the risk of mist build-up on the windshield.

Engine Coolant


Engine coolant is the essential element of the heating system. The thermostat controls the normal engine operating coolant temperature. The thermostat also creates a restriction for the cooling system that promotes a positive coolant flow and helps prevent cavitation.


Coolant enters the heater core through the inlet heater hose, in a pressurized state. The heater core is located inside the HVAC control module. The ambient air drawn through the HVAC control module absorbs the heat of the coolant flowing through the heater core. Heated air is distributed to the passenger compartment, through the HVAC control module, for passenger comfort. Opening or closing the air temperature flap controls the amount of heat delivered to the passenger compartment. The coolant exits the heater core through the return heater hose and recirculates back to the engine cooling system.

A/C Cycle


Refrigerant is the key element in an air conditioning system. R-134a is presently the only Environmental Protection Agency approved refrigerant for automotive use. R-134a is a very low temperature gas that can transfer the undesirable heat and moisture from the passenger compartment to the outside air.


The compressor builds pressure on the vapor refrigerant. Compressing the refrigerant also adds heat to the refrigerant. The refrigerant is discharged from the compressor, through the discharge hose, and forced to flow to the condenser and then through the balance of the A/C system. The A/C system is mechanically protected with the use of a high pressure relief valve. If the A/C refrigerant pressure sensor fails or if the refrigerant system becomes restricted and refrigerant pressure continued to rise, the high pressure relief will pop open and release refrigerant from the system.


Compressed refrigerant enters the condenser in a high temperature, high pressure vapor state. As the refrigerant flows through the condenser, the heat of the refrigerant is transferred to the ambient air passing through the condenser. Cooling the refrigerant causes the refrigerant to and change from a vapor to a liquid state.


The condenser is located in front of the radiator for maximum heat transfer. The condenser is made of aluminium tubing and aluminum cooling fins, which allows rapid heat transfer for the refrigerant. The semi-cooled liquid refrigerant exits the condenser and flows through the liquid line, to the orifice tube.


The orifice tube is located in the liquid line between the condenser and the evaporator. The orifice tube is the dividing point for the high and the low pressure sides of the A/C system. As the refrigerant passes through the orifice tube, the pressure on the refrigerant is lowered. Due to the pressure differential on the liquid refrigerant, the refrigerant will begin to vaporize at the orifice tube. The orifice tube also meters the amount of liquid refrigerant that can flow into the evaporator.


Refrigerant exiting the orifice tube flows into the evaporator core in a low pressure, liquid state. Ambient air is drawn through the HVAC control module and passes through the evaporator core. Warm and moist air will cause the liquid refrigerant boil inside of the evaporator core. The boiling refrigerant absorbs heat from the ambient air and draws moisture onto the evaporator. The refrigerant exits the evaporator through the suction line and back to the A/C compressor, in a vapor state, and completing the A/C cycle of heat removal. At the A/C compressor, the refrigerant is compressed again and the cycle of heat removal is repeated.


The conditioned air is distributed through the HVAC control module for passenger comfort. The heat and moisture removed from the passenger compartment will also change form, or condense, and is discharged from the HVAC control module as water.



Deci se pare ca aveai dreptate, sunt pusi amandoi senzorii acolo, si de lumina si de temperatura. Oricum se pare ca cel de temperatura e un banal termistor NTC, deci cu putin chin (desfacut bordul) poate fi mutat. Poti incerca sa vezi daca e pus acolo folosind o sursa de caldura locala (o rezistenta de putere alimentatata de la priza de 12V) si observand cum se comporta climatronicul.

Edited by ches

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Eu asa am facut, cu micro-controller. Varianta cu comutare manuala & cabluri e varianta ieftina si simpla. La primul click al butonului de pe combina (CdDAUX) e AUX (daca ai ceva conectat), la al 2-lea e CD (sau invers, nu mai stiu :P )


Stiu ca e stupid daca sunt in aceeasi capsula, nu stiu sigur daca acolo este, dar nu reusesc sa-mi dau seama :(

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sunt inscris pe forum pentru ca am un Tico ( nu am cruze) dar am cautat ceva pe forum si am dat peste discutiile voastre despre clima automata, masina pecare o folosesc acum este un clio symbol cu clima automata, si daca e de folos va pot spune cum functioneaza la mine de 4 ani, daca nu puteti sterge postul:

deci de 4 ani si 38 000 km clima automata nu a avut nici o problema- o tin pe auto la 22-23 grade,senzorul interior este sub plafoniera- sus la oglinda cel exterior in oglinda dreapta fata,

vara intra automat aerul la 3-4 secunde dupa ce pornesc motorul, dar daca dimineata de vara e mai racoroasa adica pe la 5 dimineata baga cald singur pe auto, pe parcursul drumului sa zicem un drum lung se muta singur pe rece, si bininteles intra compresorul variind si ventilatia,

iarna tot pe auto porneste imediat dupa pornirea masinii pe treapta mica ventilatorul, apoi creste singur panapeste jumatate, si dupa ce se face temperatura dorita adica 23 grade scade singur sub jumatate, ca ciudatenie mi-a intrat sii mie aerulsingur pe la 12 grade afara, nu mi-am dat seama de ce dar probabil asa au citit senzorii si au pornit compresorul

Pe Auto baga la picioare si la parbriz NU baga si pe centru sau laterale decat foarte slab

pe manual baga cum vrei tu doar pe centru, doar la picioare, doar pe sus, sau combinat- 3 butoare de reglaj de ex ca sa ajunga si in spate bag pe manual o [perioada sa intre numai pe aeratoarele centrale, apoi dau pe auto

pentru dezaburire- degivrare parbriz are buton separat apasand pe el baga ventilatie maxima si porneste automat AC si iarna- dezumidificator

sistemul de reglare automata a temperaturii chiar a functionat fara probleme pana acum - si nu bate aiurea in fata sau prea cald sau prea rece, se regleaza singur, daca ar fi pe aceeasi temperatura mereu ar ramane temperatura constanta dupa ce si-a reglat el totul in functie de ce primeste de la senzori

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uite ce citesc eu in postul lui ches:


" Monitors the following sensors:

- Ambient air temperature sensor

- Lower left air temperature sensor

- Lower right air temperature sensor

- Upper left air temperature sensor

- Upper right air temperature sensor

- Windshield temperature and inside moisture sensor

- Ambient light/sunload sensor

- Air quality sensor"


De aici se vede clar ca sunt 5 senzori de temperatura in cabina, iar il locul indicat de tine - la baza parbrizului - este doar unul dintre ei. Acum nu stiu daca acea descriere este valabila pentru toate tipurile de sisteme climatronic instalate pe Cruze.

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Ceilalti 4 nu pot masura decat temperatura aerului care iese prin gurile de ventilatie.

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La multi ani tuturor


Am din nou probleme cu CODE 95 cel de la airbag, sincer deja ma irita faza cu plimbatul la service, acum sunt din nou programat la service si sper sa se rezolve definitiv problema asta.



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La multi ani tuturor


Am din nou probleme cu CODE 95 cel de la airbag, sincer deja ma irita faza cu plimbatul la service, acum sunt din nou programat la service si sper sa se rezolve definitiv problema asta.




Salut si La multi ani! Am si eu problema cu CODE 95 si am mers la service au zis ca au reparat si totusi eroarea a aparut din nou. Am mers si a doua oara si tot nu s-a rezolvat nimic desi au zis ca au remediat. Sper totusi sa se rezolve dar nu cu lipituri si banda adeziva ca la romani. Bafta!


Si inca ceva... si-a schimbat cineva scaunele in garantie din cauza ca scartaie? Masina e in garantie si mi se pare normal ca orice problema de genul asta sa se rezolve fara niciun obstacol.


Nu stiu daca e bine sa ma adresez aici, dar in carte scrie clar ca pentru Romania revizia se face la 30.000 nu la 15.000. Ati vazut specificat undeva ca revizia pentru romania este la 15.000?

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Salut si La multi ani! Am si eu problema cu CODE 95 si am mers la service au zis ca au reparat si totusi eroarea a aparut din nou. Am mers si a doua oara si tot nu s-a rezolvat nimic desi au zis ca au remediat. Sper totusi sa se rezolve dar nu cu lipituri si banda adeziva ca la romani. Bafta!


Si inca ceva... si-a schimbat cineva scaunele in garantie din cauza ca scartaie? Masina e in garantie si mi se pare normal ca orice problema de genul asta sa se rezolve fara niciun obstacol.


Nu stiu daca e bine sa ma adresez aici, dar in carte scrie clar ca pentru Romania revizia se face la 30.000 nu la 15.000. Ati vazut specificat undeva ca revizia pentru romania este la 15.000?



Si la mine scartaie scaunul dreapta, si chiar destul de enervant, o sa le aduc aminte la baietii de la service sa verifice si scaunul daca tot trec marti pe la ei.

Asta cu revizia habar nu am cum e dar existra rubrica revizie cruze, ar fi bine cei care au deja revizii facute sa ne spuna una alta.

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Avind in vedere ca interventiile in garantie saunt platite destul de putin, cei de la service nu prea au interes sa rezolve problemele.

Stiu ca aceat lucru nu ar trebui sa ne influenteze pe noi ca si clienti da rasta e...

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Stai linistit ca si la mine scartie ambele scaune undeva in zona air bag-ului dar nu cred ca au ce sai faca sigur scaunele nu le vor shimba nici de faci scandsl,asa e la noi.In rest totul e ok.

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Ba da, se rezolva.

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Cum? Mie mi-au spus ca sunt doua arcuri care pica unul peste celalalt si mi-au dat ca solutie izolarea lor. Asta ar insemna sa dea jos tapiteria de pe scaun si sincer imi este cam frica de modul lor de lucru.

Edited by Salex
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Nici eu nu vad alta solutie la rezolvarea scartaitului inafara de datul jos a tapiteriei, care chiar ar fi ceva nasol, mie imi scataie scaunul din dreapta cand am un pasager si se inclina dreapta stanga in functie de virajele pe care le fac, la viraje bruste scartaie de numa numa, la virajele normale scartaie putin mai finut dar destul sa-ti creasca tensiunea, tare sunt curios cum se va comporta masina dupa vreo 50 000 km, sper sa se tina bine.

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Astea sunt bolile copilariei. Eu am 16.000 km facuti si merge bine. Scaunul de la pasager parca nu prea mai scartaie si am senzatia ca si cel de la sofer si-a mai revenit. Acum am sa vad cum se comporta. La code 95 au vrut ieri sa imi cositoreasca firele de sub scaun si le-am zis ca nu accept asa ceva. Metodele astea nu sunt omologate...nici cea cu scaunul, nici lipitul firelor. Pacat de cei din conducerea service-ului ca sunt oameni foarte de treaba si ii strica analfabetii care nu au chef sa munceasca normal si corect.

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... Metodele astea nu sunt omologate...nici cea cu scaunul, nici lipitul firelor.

Mi-a daramat toata credinta de-o viata.

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Cu ce te incurca daca iti cositoresc firele? ... scapi de problema, ca oricum nu scoti mufa niciodata ca-ti da cod de eroare din nou daca o scoti.

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Si daca vreau sa scot scaunele trebuie sa tai din nou firele. Nu pot sa accept carpeli de genul asta la o masina noua. Daca ajung in alta tara si doamne fereste trebuie sa rezolv o problema la masina pe garantie, de unde am convingerea ca cei de acolo nu vor comenta la reparatiile facute dupa ureche? Sunt probleme minore care ar trebui sa se rezolve fara sa te rogi de orice manjit care altceva decat surubelnita si vaselina nu stie.

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Racool - eu te inteleg perfect ce zici. E masina noua, nu ar trebui sa patesti asa ceva,dar problema asta e un viciu din fabricatie (din cate se pare nu numai tu ai problema asta (code 95)). Oricum stau si ma intreb cum naiba arata contactele si mufa aia? Chiar nu se poate baga o surubelnita ascutita ca sa se mai stranga pinii mama si sa aiba un contact mai bun. Sau chiar trasi pe rand afara din conector pinii mama si stransi un pic cu un patent. Mecanicii de la service chiar nu-s in stare sa faca asa ceva?

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Din moment ce au trebuit 3 interventii pt a rezolva problema codului e clar ca nu sunt in stare. Acum sper sa nu apara din nou.

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Alice da si tu niste argumente cum am putea rezolva cu scaunele,nu prin metoda de a da jos tapiteria.

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Dar cu ce te deranjeaza ca-ti dau jos tapiseria?

Nu tu, te duci la service si le spui ca-ti scartaie.


Cum se rezolva, nu stiu, dar am auzit ca problema a fost rezolvata.

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