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Comutator cifra octanică - MATIZ

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Io nu l-am gasit deloc :mda: In stanga pasagerului nu am vazut decat asta


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Scuze, te-am indus in eroare nitel :D Ca sa ajungi la el trebuie scoase finitiile de pe partea stanga, la picioarele pasagerului.

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Pt cei care nu stiu unce si cum arata comutatorul pt cifra octanica:

post-1520-1144256678_thumb.jpg post-1520-1144256684_thumb.jpg post-1520-1144256693_thumb.jpg

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Nu mai zice nimeni nimic de conutatorul asta? Pana la urma la ce concluzii s-a ajuns, il scoatem au ba?

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Tu ce vrei, si performanta mare si consum mic ? Nu exista asa comutator !

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Ai dreptate, m-am cam lasat dus de val.

Oricvum ,sunt super multumir de cum merge masina, cu exceptia unui mic tremurici la relanti da... ce sa-i faci, nu poti si cu aia'n c** si cu sufletu'n rai.

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Schimba benzina.

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Benzina e Lukoil de 95, cu asta trage cel mai bine... Ii drept ca o si papa mai repede na no...

Ce recomandati?

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Imi cer scuze fratilor, dar eu nu am priceput nimik :wallbanger: .

Daca pun pe CO 95 : performante mai mari si consum mai ridicat,

si daca pun pe CO 91 : performante mai mici si consum mai scazut?


Sau invers?


Ma bate gandul sa schimb si eu pe 91, dar nu imi dau seama cat de scazute is performantele :| .

Nu merg cu 140 pe ora, nici makar cu 100.Circul in oras numai,foarte rar in afara. In cazul asta ce e de facut?

Sa merg in oras cu comutatorul pe 91 si in afara pe 95? sau invers. No offence dar din ce a zis tolin, nu am inteles decat 2, 3 cuvinte dintr-o propozitie :( .Nu sunt in domeniu auto #-o .

Edited by Mystic.Miswu

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Imi cer scuze fratilor, dar eu nu am priceput nimik :wallbanger: .

Daca pun pe CO 95 : performante mai mari si consum mai ridicat,

si daca pun pe CO 91 : performante mai mici si consum mai scazut?


Sau invers?


Ma bate gandul sa schimb si eu pe 91, dar nu imi dau seama cat de scazute is performantele :| .




Deci, ce-ai facut ? l-ai scos sau ba?

Sunt tare curios!

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Trecerea pe 91 n-are vreun sens in sezonul cald. Nu va entuziasmati, nu va scade consumul, din contra (performante mai slabe = consum mai mare).

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Daca pe 91 nu se renteaza(scade performanta- creste consumul), pe 95 cu benzina >=98 am obtinut consum mai mare, ramane cea mai buna alegere comutator 95 cu benzina de 95 ?


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Despre ce sa cititm, nu ne fierbe ?



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Ia cititi voi aici:



In perioada urmatoare o sa studiez si eu problema ...


La linkul respectiv scrie:


"What is Detonation? Detonation, also known as pinging, pinking, or knocking, is a serious motor destroying event. It sounds different on many cars but it can sound like slapping metal wires against the motor, a rattle in the dash, shaking popcorn kernels in a coffee can, and when its real bad it sounds like marbles in a coffee can. It has a rhythmic sound much like a diesel (technically its very similar to a diesel). When you hear detonation GET OFF THE GAS IMMEDIATELY! Detonation is not the same as pre-ignition although they often occur at the same time. Detonation can be caused by too much spark advance, high IATs, lean mixture, dry air, high ECTs, low octane, etc. It occurs when the spark ignited flame front compresses the reaming air fuel mixture till it reaches critical temperature and pressure to auto ignite the mixture on the other side of the cylinder. The two flame fronts then collide with a giant explosion causing the audible knock sound. The cylinder temperatures and pressures increase drastically beyond the normal combustion temperatures and pressures causing burned holes in the pistons, bent or broken rods, damaged crankshaft bearings, and complete and total destruction.


Pre-ignition occurs when the mixture ignites on some hot spot (spark electrode, spark plug threads, a sharp point, carbon build up, etc) before, or at the same time the spark fires. The flame fronts do not always collide, the destruction comes from extended burn time in the cylinder. Pre-ignition does not produce the classic knock or ping, more of a dull thud, but it is often caused by detonation and therefore associated with the pinging sound. Pre-ignition is more dangerous than detonation because it occurs earlier in the engine cycle causing more temperature build up due to the extended burn times. It can also cause runaway advance where the hot spot gets continually hotter causing the explosion to occur earlier and earlier in the engine cycle. It can also be caused by detonation events heating up a hot spot to the point where the detonation then turns into pre-ignition to cause some serious destruction. This is why its very important to get off the gas when you hear or feel anything funny at WOT.


Detonation is affected by many things including ECT, IAT, octane, timing, compression ratio (or boost), RPMs, and AF. Increased coolant temps or air intake temps will increase the chances of detonation. Too much advance can also cause detonation resulting from increased burn times. Too much compression will cause detonation that can be eliminated with increased octane or in the case of forced induction by lowering the boost and or intake air temps. Octane is the easiest factor to control detonation. Octane is the fuels resistance to auto ignition (detonation and pre ignition). Sufficient octane will solve nearly all minor detonation problems. High octane fuel burns slower than low octane, and high octane is much more resistant to higher pressures and temperatures. Engines are much more prone to detonation while lugging when at high loads and low RPMs. This is mostly due to the extended burn times at low rpms and usually a motor will not detonate under the exact same conditions, but with a higher RPM. Lean AFR mixtures are also very prone to detonation and rich mixtures can sufficiently cool the cylinder to reduce or eliminate detonation. A motor might run great at 11.5:1 and detonate like crazy at 12.5:1 on the same octane. The goal to eliminating all detonation is to keep things cool and use sufficient octane for your appropriate boost and timing requirements. Water methanol injection can drastically reduce detonation by cooling the chamber as well as adding octane. Methanol has a pump octane rating around 100. The formula for calculating your octane level when mixing gas is: [(Volume 1 * Octane 1) + (Volume 2 * Octane 2)] / (Volume 1 + Volume 2)

Volumes must have the same units such as gallons. Example: Mixing 7 gal of 91 octane with 3 of 100. [(7*91)+(3*100)]/10=93.7 "



Prin setarea comutatorului (jumperilor) pe pozitiile CO 95, 91, 87, 83 de fapt se modifica avansul la aprindere, astfel incat sa nu apara detonatii.

Benzina cu CO mare este utilizata pentru motoare cu raport de compresie mare, si CO mic pentru un raport mic.

Benzina cu CO mare arde mai incet decat cea cu CO mic, astfel ca are nevoie de un avans mai mare pentru ca sa se obtina performante maxime (momentul la care apare scanteia si incepe arderea amestecului este cu cateva grade inainte de punctul mort superior - PMS, iar destinderea gazelor arse sa inceapa la momentul in care pistonul este la PMS).

Daca punem benzina cu CO mic destinderea gazelor arse va avea loc dupa PMS, astfel ca pistonul se deplaseaza din inertie (de aici apar pierderile de putere ale motorului), si dupa cateva grade va incepe destinderea gazului ars si implicit lucrul mecanic de care avem nevoie. In acest caz va trebui micsorat avansul.

Cum la benzinarii se gaseste benzina cu CO >= 95, rezulta ca alegerea fabricantului este optima.


Asta este parerea mea ...

Edited by lperisoara

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In concluzie la toata polologhia de mai sus nu apare nici un avantaj sau exista unul extrem de mic la mutarea pe CO91 insa ne putem buli motoarele mult mai usor pentru ca avansul nu va fi corect reglat si pot aparea detonari necontrolate ale benzinei. Corect?

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Si la E3 care este scopul acelui jumper? E3-ul si E4 au avans dinamic la aprindere.

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Si la E3 care este scopul acelui jumper?

Acelasi ca la E2, impune o alta anvelopa pe care evolueza avansul la aprindere.

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E3-ul si E4 au avans dinamic la aprindere.


Si la E2 cum e?

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La E2 pornesti motorul mai usor. :) )

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..si ralanti stabil, si nu se aprinde check cand i se nazare, etc..dar eu am intrebat serios, distribuitorul ala(delco) e reglabil si de acolo se regleaza avansul initial(10 grade dupa PMS) din cate stiu eu, dar dupa, avansul e controlat de ECM...poate nu stiu bine.

Edited by argon

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Si neserios este la fel cum zici.

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Si comutatorul asta la Matiz se traduce prin senzorul de detonatie la masinile ceva mai 'destepte'?

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Am explicat ce face comutatorul, cu el se seteaza domeniul de evolutie (anvelopa). Senzorul de knock (detonatie) este prezent pe toate variantele de motor Matiz si semnalul acestuia ajuta ECM-ul la limitarea avansului pentru prevenirea distrugerii motorului.

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