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Comutator cifra octanică - MATIZ

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Stiu ca e cam tarziu (ultima postare fiind acum ceva timp) dar nu am inceput sa citesc decat de vreo 2 zile forumul.


Aveti un citat mai jos care explica cifrele octanice din America si Europa si linkul.

Intrebarea este: In Asia aveti idee pe ce standard merg? Intreb pentru a afla pozitia corecta a jumperului.

Personal inclin spre standardul (RON+MON)/2 din simplul motiv ca nu am auzit de benzina cu cifra octanica 87 sau 91 sa se gaseasca la noi la pompe. Deci la noi ar fi mai bine pe 91 setat jumperul respectiv... parerea mea, nu aruncati cu pietre :P


"Just so you know, the octane number is actually an imprecise measure of the maximum compression ratio at which a particular fuel can be burned in an engine without detonation. There are actually two numbers - RON (Research octane number) and MON (Motor Octane Number). The RON simulates fuel performance under low severity engine operation. The MON simulates more severe operation that might be incurred at high speed or high load and can be as much as 10 points lower than the RON. In Europe, what you'll see on the petrol pumps is the RON. However, in America, what you'll see on the petrol pump is usually the "mean" octane number - notified as (R+M)/2 - the average of both the RON and MON. This is why there is an apparent discrepancy between the octane values of petrol in America versus the rest of the world. Euro95 unleaded in Europe is 95 octane but it's the equivalent of American (R+M)/2 89 octane.

In America, low altitude petrol stations typically sell three grades of petrol with octane ratings of 87, 89 and 91. High altitude stations typically also sell three grades, but with lower values - 85, 87 and 89.

Read more: http://www.carbibles...l#ixzz1VUuKilfN"


P.S. Foarte multe informatii folositoare am gasit pe aici, va multumesc!

Edited by ochiuletz

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Constructia logica ar fi buna daca nu se scapa un amanunt: motorul vine din fabrica cu un ECM personalizat pentru RO. Banuiesc ca producatorul este singurul care stie cel mai bine ce face.

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... dar totusi este vorba de un model ieftin de masina. Nu stiu cat efort ar depune un producator sa personalizeze un amanunt la care, cel putin teoretic, utilzatorul nu are acces.

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Asa au gandit si cei de la Dacia la prima serie de Logan-uri (masina la acelasi nivel de pret), pana a venit prima iarna si nu mai pornea motorul. ECM-ul era setat pentru alta zona climatica.

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Eu de exemplu nu am gasit jumperul.dar cred ca l-au setat corect cei din fabrica.

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