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Faza surprinsa de mine la o petrecere :) )


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Raspuns oficial la scrisoare adresata firmei Renault



Dear Mr. Radu D.


We have received and analyzed your complain letter regarding the "greierashi" issue on Renault Megane cars.

Unfortunately, we were unable to find this term (greierashi) in our databases and we kindly ask you to send to us more detailed specification about.

Also, please be so kind to translate in English the following expressions: "bagamiash p*** in mashina voastra", "nenorocitilor, sinteti nishte hotzi" and "ma p*** pe el de servis reno".


Sincerely yours,


Michel Mouton

Customer Service Representative

414 Avenue Miramax, DC668, Douai, France




Doua blonde, dupa noaptea de revelion, se intorceau acasa. Afara, un frig de inghetau pietrele, ele imbracate subtirel, ca de la petrecere...Ce sa mai, erau deja blocuri de gheata. Taxiuri, nici

gand, toti taximetristii acasa, cu familia, transportul in comun era inexistent, pana acasa, drum lung... In drumul lor, un depou RATB.

Una din ele e lovita din senin de ideea geniala...si nu sta mult pe ganduri, ii spune celeilalte:

- "Fata, pe buna dreptate se spune ca suntem proaste. Hai sa furam un autobuz sa mergem pana acasa!"

- "Ca bine zici, fata! Hai! Eu intru in depou sa fur unul, tu tine de sase!"

Zis si facut, prima ramane afara sa supravegheze zona, cealalta intra sa fure autobuzul. Si sta cea de-afara un sfert de ora...o jumatate de ora...o ora...Rebegita de frig, intra sa vada ce s-a intamplat, de ce dureaza in halul asta?! Intra si o vede pe a doua blonda stand in fund pe jos intre autobuze si plangand...

- "Ce s-a intamplat, fata, de ce plangi?"

- "Uite, nu gasesc nici un 135 sa ne duca acasa ::  <img src= ("> ("

Sta pe ganduri prima blonda si zice:

- "Draga, dar tu esti chiar proasta rau. Nu puteai sa furi un 226 si mai mergeam 2 statii pe jos?"

Edited by akaionut

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O turma de bivoli se deplaseaza intotdeauna cu viteza celui mai incet bivol din turma. Cand turma este vanata, de obicei este ucis cel mai slab si mai din urma bivol. Aceasta selectie naturala este benefica turmei ca intreg, pentru ca astfel, prin eliminarea celor mai slabi membri, se imbunatatesc viteza si sanatatea turmei. Cam in acelasi mod, creierul uman poate opera doar atat de repede cat ii permite cea mai slaba celula. Consumul de alcool, dupa cum se stie, omoara celulele creierului, dar in mod normal prima data omoara celulele cele mai slabe. In acest mod, consumul regulat de bere distruge cele mai slabe celule cerebrale, facand creierul o masina mult mai rapida si mai eficienta. Acesta este si motivul pentru care intotdeauna te simti mai destept dupa cateva beri.

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Virus belea:



fiti atenti ce face:


Cand este rulat, viermele se copiaza in directorul Windows cu numele FUNNY.SCR si se seteaza ca screen saver, prin scrierea urmatoarelor chei de registri:



HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Control Panel\Desktop\"ScreenSaveTimeOut" = "300"


astfel incat va rula ca screen saver dupa 5 minute de neactivitate.


De asemenea, se copiaza in fisierul Startup astfel incat sa ruleze odata cu fiecare sesiune Windows:


%DocumentsAndSettings%\%User%\Start Menu\Programs\Startup\STARTWIN.EXE

Pe urma scaneaza hard-disk-ul si sterge fisierele multimedia care contin unul din urmatoarele siruri de caractere:

Liviu Guta, Liviu_Guta, Nicolae Guta, Nicolae_Guta, Copilul de aur, Copilul_de_aur, adi de la valcea, adi_de_la_valcea, adi de vito, ady de vito, florin salam, florin_salam, adrian & camy, stana isbasa, adrian cm, adrian copilul minune, adrian_copilul_minune, alina si costi, copilul de aur, dani de la deva, gabi din buzau, gabi de la giulesti, liviu pustiu, guta jr, guta & sorina, printesa ionela, don genove, jean de la craiova, cristian gusatu, ovidiu mititelu, sorinel pustiu, lucian seres, mihaela minune, minodora, n. guta, n.guta, nico cu carbon, nico_cu_carbon, sile dorel, vali vijelie, carmen serban, petrica cercel, nicu paleru, cata boss, liviu_guta, stefan de la barbulesti, florin peste, liviu cu mirela, sorina & florinel, puiu codreanu, catalin de la buzau, daniel dinescu, relu pustiu, victor spaniolu, vali raicu, adi caval, carmen dobre, sorinel copilu de aur, as da zile de la mine, sunt seful vostru pana mor, chefdechef, chef de chef, dusmanii mei, plange sufletul, jumatate tu, jumatate eu, ce le-nnebuneste pe femei, sa cante manelele.

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De unde pot să cumpăr screensaverul ăsta ?

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Cum fac rost de virusu asta? :banana:

Edited by SorinG

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Draga Ionel

Scuza-ma ca nu ti-am mai scris de mult timp, dar am avut ceva probleme cu calculatorul Ti-am promis ultima data pe chat o poza cu mine dezbracata... m-am gandit mult la asta si cred ca pana la urma cel mai bine e sa-ti trimit o poza.

Sper sa-ti placa. Daca nu o sa-mi mai scrii dupa mesajul asta, o sa te inteleg...


Roxana, 26.04.2005



...mijto virusu' =))

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Poate va era dor de un ziar bun ! =))



Se poate modifica virusul ala in asa fel incat in loc de adi de vito etc etc, sa bag acolo Mafia, la familia& shit, populara, Pavel stratan, planeta moldova etc. ca mie-mi plac manelele bune, da da kkt-urile pe care le-am scris nu le sufar neam. Sa-l bag pe retea si sa rad de toti patzanii, loshtile naibii, blea!!! :D

Edited by laurentziu83

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OK, deci se dau următoarele date pentru ecuaţie:


- un prof de la Berkeley

- laptopul său, care printre altele conţine şi notele la examene

- un student care vrea aceste note la examene (le vrea pierdute, le vrea modificate, nu contează), cert este că fură laptopul profului.


Proful e atât de ciumeg încât are webcast cu cursul: the webcast of last Friday's Biology 1A lecture gets very interesting at timecode 48:50. I've transcribed Prof Rine's comments here, so you can see what a world of shit the thief is in:


"Thanks Gary. I have a message for one person in this audience - I'm sorry the rest of you have to sit through this. As you know, my computer was stolen in my last lecture. The thief apparently wanted to betray everybody's trust, and was after the exam.


The thief was smart not to plug the computer into the campus network, but the thief was not smart enough to do three things: he was not smart enough to immediately remove Windows. I installed the same version of Windows on another computer - within fifteen minutes the people in Redmond Washington were very interested to know why it was that the same version of Windows was being signalled to them from two different computers.


The thief also did not inactivate either the wireless card or the transponder that's in that computer. Within about an hour, there was a signal from various places on campus that's allowed us to track exactly where that computer went every time that it was turned on.


I'm not particularly concerned about the computer. But the thief, who thought he was only stealing an exam, is presently - we think - is probably still in possession of three kinds of data, any one of which can send this man, this young boy, actually, to federal prison. Not a good place for a young boy to be.


You are in possession of data from a hundred million dollar trial, sponsored by the NIH, for which I'm a consultant. This involves some of the largest companies on the planet, the NIH investigates these things through the FBI, they have been notified about this problem.


You are in possession of trade secrets from a Fortune 1000 biotech company, the largest one in the country, which I consult for. The Federal Trade Communication is very interested in this. Federal Marshals are the people who handle that.


You are in possession of proprietary data from a pre-public company planning an IPO. The Securities and Exchange Commission is very interested in this and I don't even know what branch of law enforcement they use.


Your academic career is about to come to an end. You are facing very serious charges, with a probability of very serious time. At this point, there's very little that anybody can do for you. One thing that you can do for yourself is to somehow prove that the integrity of the data which you possess has not been corrupted or copied.


Ironically, I am the only person on the planet that can come to your aid, because I am the only person that can tell whether the data that was on that computer are still on that computer. You will have to find a way of hoping that if you've copied anything that you can prove you only have one copy of whatever was made.


I am tied up all this afternoon; I am out of town all of next week. You have until 11:55 to return the computer, and whatever copies you've made, to my office, because I'm the only hope you've got of staying out of deeper trouble than you or any student I've ever known has ever been in.


I apologise to the rest of you for having to bring up this distasteful matter, but I will point out that we have a partial image of this person, we have two eyewitnesses, with the transponder data we're going to get this person."


Fişierele video şi audio sunt la http://www.boingboing.net/2005/04/20/berke...aptop_thie.html

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UPDATE: The UC Berkeley professor who delivered a nuclear warning to the thief who stole his laptop has admitted that he made it all up:



In fact a University spokesman told ABC that Rine had indeed made the whole thing up to scare the student into handing over the laptop.


Despite all the exaggeration, and threats, the thief has ignored Rine and has kept his laptop. - The Inquirer

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Asta e şi mai tare decât povestea iniţială =))

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Un tip, posesorul unui Trabant afla ca exista un mare service care face tuning masinilor.A II-a zi se duce la seful de service si-l intreaba:

-Domnule, am un trabant si vreau si eu sa-mi montati un ABS.Cit ma costa?

-! 15 dolari

-Dar un airbag?

-! 20 dolari

Intrigat tipul intreaba:

-Domnule tu faci misto de mine?

La care seful de service raspunde:

-Da ce, eu am inceput primul

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Iepurasul vine la serviciu, se tolăneste pe birou şi trage la aghioase.

Vine sefu': Bă, ce faci aici?

Iepurasul: Sex!

Sefu' (consternat): Bine, mă. Şi pleacă.

A doua zi la fel, a treia zi la fel, până când se supără şefu': Băi, ce dracu' sex e ăsta la tine?

Iepurasul: Mă f**e o leneeeeeeeee ...

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nush daca a fost.. da mie azi mi-a ajuns la urechi.. super...



Aviz amatorilor ;-)))


> Povesteste un barbat ...

> Saptamana trecuta eram impreuna cu niste amici. Discutam despre una despre

> alta, cand unul dintre noi:

> "Hei! Am citit undeva ca ar fi hormoni feminini in bere!"

> Avand in vedere ca suntem dotati cu un oarecare spirit stiintific am decis

> sa verificam. Foarte rapid am golit 20 de beri, in interesul stiintei,

> bineinteles! Rezultatul acestei experiente 'in vivo' a fost stupefiant.

> Dupa cele 20 doze:

> 1- Toti am prins ceva greutate in plus;

> 2- Vorbeam prea mult fara sa spunem nimic;

> 3- Am intampinat dificultati in a conduce corect;

> 4- Ne era imposibil sa efectuam chiar cel mai simplu rationament;

> 5- Refuzam cu incapatanare sa recunoastem ca nu avem dreptate, chiar daca

> era evident;

> 6- Ca sa fie complet, mergeam la toaleta la fiecare 5 minute, si in plus: impreuna!

> Cred ca e inutil sa continuam sa experimentam acest subiect.


> E clar ca berea contine hormoni feminini.

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Guest Mecmar

La uşă sună un ţigan şi întreabă:

- Nu aveţi cumva vreo vechitură de care v-aţi putea lipsi?

- Stai puţin s-o chem pe soacră-mea!

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Shit... ce de kkt... I hate the "manele"... Cum scapam verilor de astia? Virusul ala antimanele nu poate sa-l faca rost cineva?

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"Ca boierul la volan/ Conduc Dacia Logan/ Rosu am cerut culoare/ Ca atrage domnisoare"

"Am Loganul cel mai tare/ ca am si climatizare /si cand iau neica pe una/ ii reglez temperatura"

"Am aer conditionat/[Celularul la incarcat]/ [...]/Ce sofer al dracu sunt/

Am un stil adevarat/ sa bag cheia in contact/ o sucesc si-o ia la sfert/ ca motoru e perfect"


Mi-au dat lacrimile. =))


PS: aude cineva mai bine decat mine sa umple spatiile?

Edited by Zmeu

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Cum sa scapi de la serviciu :D


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Se aplica in cazul in care esti programator... > :)

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Al-Jazeera TV

Anunturi mica publicitate



Ziarist debutant, nemediatizat suficient , telegenic, par cret, viril,dornic de aventura si neprevazut caut rapitor irakian , serios, de orice sex, posesor de: Kalasnikov , locuinta proprietate personala, camera separata, baie cu apa calda, mic dejun inclus, TV, camera video digitala,patura de pus pe perete cu femei dezbracate sezand pe iarba langa un

lac cu lebede negre. Ofer 10 usd /ora de rapire plus 100 tichete de masa

Hungastro.Rog numai oferte serioase.

E-mail : touch_me@saddam.ik



Organizatie terorista fundamentalista irakiana , specializata in rapiri realistice , legaturi profesionale cu televiziuni renumite, cautam clienti amatori de distractii exotice . Oferim cazare, masa si sedinte foto - video cu profesionisti . La cerere se pot executa si decapitari trucate, mutilari cosmetice, sangerari abundente cu vopsea rosie, etc. Orice fantezie macabra va va fi satisfacuta . Se asigura negociatori profesionisti cu oficialitatile tarilor de cetatenie. Transport dus -intors inclus .

Sejur de doua saptamani langa Bagdad : 15.000 USD

Sejur de o luna : 25.000 USD (include si vizitarea bazelor militare americane din Irak) .

E-mail: husseyn@cia.org



Persoana fizica irakiana , intermediez contracte de rapire - eliberare.

Lucrez numai cu rapitori autorizati, atestati de Asociatia Rapitorilor Profesionisti din Bagdad. Inscrierile se fac la adresa de e-mail : holliday_inncest@irak.com



Gratis !!!

Lucrati doar cu rapitori autentici ! Doar noi decapitam pe bune...

Scoate capul la bataie si nu vei regreta .Lasa totul si vino in Irak! Senzatii mortale ! Merita . (Asociatie Certificata ISO 9001/2001.Oferim certificate de calitate pentru decapitarile efectuate.)

Contact : Te gasim noi, omule !

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