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You obviously never drove any German Autobahn, I'm sure. 100mph ~ 160kph and that's a normal vehicle speed over here. 130kph is officially "suggested" speed, but especially bike riders go lengths and lengths beyond that. 250kph ~ 155 mph is upper limit for most German motorbikers.


Trucks and heavy vehicles can go 80kph/50mph, buses 100kph/62mph and everything else is unlimited by law.

Compact cars, 3-doors etc. usually drive between 80kph (old and rugged cars/drivers) and 130kph with a few exceptions, notably Volkswagen "Lupo" and "Golf" in the "suicide engine" version with 120 or more HP, they are driven by lunatics 200kph or more no matter if the road is dry or below solid ice. But they are few and far between and you sure know why.


Middle-class goes between 140 and 200kph, that range usually covers the bulk of cars. High powered suicide versions exist in this class, too, with 200 or more HP. And people who own them drive accordingly, tendency stable - more airbags 'n stuff I suppose.

Cars beyond 200kph are less than 10%, usually the upper BMW, Mercedes Benz and Volkswagen models. They announce themselves from half a kilometre away with full headbeam and constant left turn indicator. If any driver is in front of them, they will brake at the last moment possible, if ever. Most other drivers cave in long before and leave the fastest inner lane rather quick if they see them approaching.


Tire popping is seldom cause for accidents, most of the time it's trucks or other vehicles breaking out of 80kph formation on 1st going into 2nd lane overtaking some while forcing a "regular" car going 180kph or less out from 2nd to 3rd fastest lane. Where they collide with a suicide compact or fast upper class car from behind.


I don't know that many Autobahn routes here in Germany, but I'd wager 30-40% of all routes are unlimited and 3-lane. The rest is 2-lane and limited to 120kph/75mph or 100kph, as the road condition permits. Autobahns passing larger cities are often limited for "lower noise level", near poorer cities for "speed control fills city coffers"-reason.


It is not uncommon to have limits on a road to exist for various reasons, wind, noise, whatever, but road condition permits MUCH higher speeds. Everyone drives according to road condition then, bearing the risk of being "flashed" by police with radar speed cameras. Poorer municipalities are actually notorious for this and you cannot drive more than 200kms without meeting one of these cameras if you're unlucky.


In cities, there are even more cameras. Can't drive longer than 30 minutes without seeing one in any city. It is even possible to have the German police temporarily limit a normally unlimited stretch of 3-lane Autobahn to 80kph or less and then lurking for and cashing in on "speeders" at the end of that temp limit zone. Shameless entrapment.


Fines for speeding ~25 euros for less than 10km over, 50 euros for less than 20kms over and 100 or 200 euros for everything beyong, leading quickly to 2000 or losing license for more than 40 above.


Germany has the most eased road laws in Europe, so nobody obeys the speed limit nowhere. In answer to that, speed limits are set much too low everywhere in hope the drivers will go their "usual 20kph" above and still keep on track. That way police and law enforcement can endlessly bilk drivers for their money while always having law on their side and public outrage silent. Nice trick, eh?


In Norway for example, 10kph over the limit are rather expensive: 200 eur, 600 for over 20kph. There, speed limits are set almost right, with around 5-10kph left above. Eastern Europe speed limits are equally hard for everyone carrying Euros in their pocket but speed limits are brutally true. Any limit posted is true to the letter if not a bit daring on a dry and sunny day.

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Dacă aveţi ocazia să conduceţi pe A1, să n-o rataţi. Este impresionant. Sunt autostrăzi bune şi în alte ţări (de exemplu cele din Slovenia, făcute recent, şi făcute bine, nu ca la noi b-( ), dar faptul că e plin de maşini performante îi dă un farmec aparte. E ceva să mergi cu 190 km/h şi să vezi cum trec BMW-urile de parcă stai pe loc. Sau nişte umbre foarte zgomotoase - motocicletele (care merg şi printre vehicule). Sau un Mc Laren F1, negru.


Construcţia este impecabilă, metrul de Autobahn este scump, dar merită. Fundaţia ajunge la 80-90 centimetri adâncime, iar când apar deteriorări nu se cârpeşte/repară nimic, se schimbă tot tronsonul !


Acolo am văzut şi auzit prima oară un Traffic Announcement (funcţia de la radio-ul dotat cu RDS). Se anunţă în 4 limbi de circulaţie internaţională, blocajul este marcat cu indicatoare mobile imense şi foarte luminoase, de la câţiva kilometri distanţă de locul accidentului/lucrărilor.


Se merge exemplar (de fapt pe toate autostrăzile, în afară de cele de la unguri, se merge exemplar); nimeni nu stă pe benzile interioare, se folosesc strict pentru depăşire. Iar cu ăia de vin cu 200+ km/h, cu faza lungă aprinsă şi semnal stânga permanent ... exact aşa este - sunt destui, şi nu prea le stă nimeni în cale. :thumbl:


Pe scurt, merită !

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am fost pe autobahn in 1993. m-au distrat indicatoarele pentru tancuri, erau limitari de viteza pentru turisme, camioane si tancuri (probabil utilaje de deszapezit), tunelele interminabile din care nu lipsea nici un bec, si faptul ca soferul imi spunea ca in mare parte este aceeasi construita de Hitler in 33 @-) sa mai spui ceva de nemti

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Nu sunt pentru utilaje de deszăpezire, ci chiar pentru tancuri - încă o dovadă de autostradă bine făcută.


Un alt post de pe forumul de unde am luat textul de mai sus relata păţania unui tip care a mers cu tancul pe autobahn, a fost nevoit să frâneze brusc (un tanc care frânează brusc se lasă pe bot şi ridică fundul), iar cum un Mercedes nu frânează precum tancul, când i-a căzut fundul la loc tancului, a căzut peste Mercedes.


Iar Hitler a făcut şi el 2 lucruri bune: Autobahn (considera că un imperiu nu se poate dezvolta fără infrastructură) şi Volkswagen Beetle.

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istoria: http://www.autobahn-online.de/geschichte_e.html

si pics http://www.autobahn-online.de/images/gallerie_e.html





Today's German autobahn system stretches 11,000 km (6,800 miles) across most parts of unified Germany. Plans to increase the number and length of autobahns and other highways have often met with citizen opposition on ecological grounds.




When driving on the German Autobahn, one realizes that auto racing is not confined to famous race tracks like the Nürburgring. Germans, and the Austrians and Swiss, like to drive fast, and they have been in love with their cars ever since Carl Benz (1844-1927) invented the first practical motor car in 1885.




The general rule for design is to provide for unimpeded, high-speed traffic flow. Unimproved eastern segments aside, most Autobahns feature the following design elements:

Two, three, or occasionally four lanes per direction. Lanes on rural sections are generally 3.75 meters wide except the left lane of newer three lane segments- it's 3.5 meters wide. On urban sections, all lanes are 3.5 meters wide.

A landscaped "green" median 3.5 or 4 meters wide (3 meters in urban areas). A double-sided guardrail runs down the middle. Blinders are often used on curves. Some newer sections have concrete barriers instead of green medians.

Outside emergency shoulders and long acceleration and deceleration lanes.

Full grade-separation and access control provided by half cloverleaf interchanges at exits and cloverleafs and directional interchanges at Autobahn crossings. Interchanges are generally well-spaced, sometimes exceeding 30 km between.

4% or lesser grades. Climbing lanes are provided on most steep grades.

Gentle and well-banked curves.

Freeze-resistant concrete or bituminous surface.

Roadbed and surface measuring about 68 cm (27 inches) in thickness.


In addition, Autobahns also feature the following amenities:

Reflector guide posts at 50 meter intervals.

Frequent parking areas, often equipped with toilet facilities.

Extensive and ample service areas featuring gas stations, restaurants, and hotels.

Automated traffic monitoring and electronic signs providing dynamic speed limits and/or advance warning of congestion or fog.

Emergency telephones at 2 km intervals.

Pre-designated detour routes to facilitate emergency closures.

Standardized signage.

Wildlife protection fencing and crossover tunnels.


Maintenance is superb. Crews inspect every meter of the system periodically, and when a fissure or other defect is found, the entire road section is replaced. Signs, barriers, and other features are also well maintained.




To safely facilitate heavy, high-speed traffic, special laws apply when driving on the Autobahn:

Vehicles with a maximum speed rating of less than 60 km/h (36 mph) are prohibited as are bicycles, mopeds, and pedestrians.

Passing on the right is prohibited! Slower vehicles must move to the right to allow faster traffic to pass, and drivers should stay in the right lane except to pass. When passing, you must do so as quickly as possible.

Stopping, parking, U-turns, and reverse travel are prohibited, including on shoulders and ramps (except for emergencies, of course.)

Entering and exiting is permitted only at interchanges.

During traffic jams, motorists must leave an emergency lane between the left lane and the adjacent center or right lane for emergency vehicles. This is accomplished by traffic in the left lane moving as far to the left as possible and traffic in the adjacent lane moving as far to the right as possible.

If you have a breakdown or accident, you must move to the shoulder if possible and place a warning triangle 200 meters behind the scene. You must report the incident to the authorities using the nearest emergency phone (see below.)

It is illegal to run out of gas on the Autobahn. :o :) )




Despite the widespread belief of complete freedom from speed limits, and a lobbying effort that has the same power and deep pockets that the American gun lobby has, some speed regulations can be found on the Autobahns. Many sections, particularly those with dangerous curves, in urban areas, or with unusually constant heavy traffic, may feature speed limits ranging from 80 to 120 km/h (50-75 mph). In construction zones, the limit may be as low as 60 km/h (37 mph). Also, some sections now feature nighttime and wet-weather speed restrictions, and trucks are always regulated. Still, much of the Autobahn is unlimited, but there is a recommended limit of 130 km/h (81 mph). This recommendation is generally seen for what it is-- an attempt by the government to cover itself without having to upset millions of Porsche and BMW owners/voters. However, if you exceed the recommended limit and are involved in an accident, you could be responsible for some of the damage costs even if you are not at fault.

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stii ce m-a frapat ca la nivelul solului bucata pe care am mers eu este exact ca Cernavoda, formata din placi imbinate, numai ca sunt perfecte nu ca la noi, tocmai de-aia cred ca o utilizeaza si Tancurile. cred ca asa ar trebui facute si la noi numai ca sa reziste frate

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Am avut placerea acum 3 ani sa fac o excursie Buc - Heidelberg (apropiere de Frankfurt) cu un Nissan Patrol. Traseul pe AutoBahn a inclus: intrare dinspre Austria, Munchen, Stuttgart, Heidelberg. Ce pot sa zic este ca m-a impresionat. N-am putut eu sa merg prea tare, dar mergeau ceilalti ;)

Portiunea din apropierea Stuttgart-ului cand o iei spre Frankfurt e superba, plina de tuneluri si viaducte foarte lungi.

Mi-am jurat ca o sa ma mai intorc :)

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trebuia sa te juri ca NU o sa te mai intorci... in romania.

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As fi vrut sa fie asa usor... :(

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Este intradevar o senzatie sa alergi un BMW sau un A4 pana cand zice "nu mai pot" - ca e limitat electronic - si sa te doara'n cot de radare. Beleaua vine cand dai de restrictii de viteza si nu te poti stapani "Ce limita la 120 dom'le!!!"

Acum Autostrada Munchen - Stuttgart e in cea mai mare parte limitata la 120 km/h din cauza ca cele 2 benzi pe sens nu mai fac fata traficului!

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