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Date: Thu, 4 Jan 2007 17:27:03 +0200

From: sa_p2010@yahoo.co.uk

To: _________

Subject: CONGRATULATIONS jiqjjskh


National Lottery Head Office

16th Floor SABC Radio Park Building

Henley Road




REF: NET/3851246006/05

BATCH: 31/0013/KAC





We wish you a happy new year and also congratulate you over your email success in our computer balloting sweepstake held on 4th January 2007. This is a millennium scientific computer game in which email addresses were used. It is a promotional program aimed for the 2010 world cup, which will be held here in South Africa; therefore you do not need to buy ticket to enter for it. Your email address attached to ticket star number (4-5) drew the DOLLARMILLION lucky numbers 3-19-26-49-50, which consequently won the draw in the Second category. You have been approve for the star prize of USD250, 000, 00 (Two hundred and fifty thousand Dollars Only)




You are advised to keep this winning very confidential until you receive your lump prize in your account or optional cheque issuance to you. This is a protective measure to avoid double claiming by people you may tell as we have had cases like this before, please send your Full Name, Home and Office Tel & Fax Number, Mobile Tel Number and your winning ticket number, reference numbers and amount won information for processing of your winning fund to our registered claim agent in address below.


Dr. Phillip Zuma

Tel: +27-73-13 70056.

Remember, all winning must be claimed not later than 14working days, Please note, in order to avoid unnecessary delays and complications, remember to quote your reference number and batch number in all correspondence. Furthermore, should there be any change of address do inform our agent as soon as possible.

Best regard,

Mrs. Emily Simon,

Lottery coordinator.

This promotional program takes place every year until 2010 world cup. This lottery was promoted and sponsored by THE MANAGEMENT OF THE NATIONAL LOTTERY COMPANY JOHANNESBURG SOUTH AFRICA, we hope with part of your winning you will take part on our next year USD2 million international lottery.

Please be informed that anybody under 18 years old is automatically disqualified and we cannot be held responsible for that, congratulation once again from staff and members of this program.



President Nelson Mandela (Chairman)

Mollify OLIPHANT (President)

Albert MOKOENA: Chief Operations Officer

Danny JORDAAN: Chief Executive Officer


Alternatively respond to this email address: sazu.2010@yahoo.co.uk



Consider ca este binevenit un warning celor care primesc mesaje de genul acestuia.

Alte exemple de mesaje gasiti pe http://forum.scampatrol.org/viewforum.php?f=30


Alte informatii http://www.scamomatic.com/.

Daca se considera ca nu prezinta interes, va rog sa stergeti.

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Este, ca si multe altele, o metoda de a strange baze de date. Poate si informatii financiare, daca se ofera asa ceva.

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Eu apas butonul SPAM de cum vad titlul mesajului si daca nu cunosc autorul. Cine stie ce ocazii unice de umflat sanii am pierdut. :) )

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Bei oameni buni, cumnata+mea a primit mail ca a castigat 500.000 lire sterline, o caruta de bani. A fost informata ca e nevoie de un card. A fost sunata pt detalii ) in engleza. Insa o chestie: trebuia sa depuna pe card o suma de o lira, ca sa fie activ cardul. Dupa aia, a fost din nou sunata ca trebuie sa depuna in avans o suma de 300 lire, dupa acre se va face transferul total. Ea a spus ca mai bine ii opreste Banca Nigeriei (de unde primise mail) aia 300 lire, ca ea nu are de unde-i depune. Si s-a terminat vraja. Fata are 19 ani, va dati seama ce fericita era cand a auzit ce de bani va primi. N-a fost insa surprinsa de deznodamant, pt ca gluma se ingrosa de la zi la zi. Deja ne facusem planuri ce sa facem cu banii (10.000 eur ne dadea noua, deci si noi eram happy). Bineinteles ca a dat toate datele din buletin, le-a trmis si un buletin scanat etc. Dupa ceva timp ptimesc si eu un mail de la "nigerica" ca am castigat, prin tragere la sorti, automat, 2,5 milioane de lire sterline. Moaaaamaaaaaaaa, ce tare sunt ! Am dat click pe SPAM si mi-am vazut de treaba, stiind care e schema.

Asa ca ebine ca persoanele care primesc aceste mailuri cu castiguri garantate si automate sa foloseasca cu incredere pictograma SPAM !

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Unii ajung sa-si gaseasca sfarsitul din cauze d-astea. Mai exact, unul chiar s-a dus dupa bani in Nigeria si nu s-a mai intors.



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Salutare... nu e doar o metoda de a strange baze de date...e o chestie mult mai elaborata... sunt multe articole pe net despre ea...dupa cum spunea si link-ul lui VAXXI e o varianta a "419" - numele initial al "operatiunii" prin care un grup de "oameni de buna credinta" incep sa stoarca bani de la cei care se lasa pacaliti...unii au pierdut si vreo 400 000$ ...altii ..viata cand s-au dus sa-si ia averea castigata...


...informatii financiare...ce parere aveti despre un mail de la "yahoo" in care imi cereau toate datele personale...pt ca-mi pierdusera contul de "banking"...nice..right? :) )))

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<quote> President Nelson Mandela (Chairman) </quote>


Asta a fost cea mai tare.

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