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Posts posted by maximus

  1. supertari pozele, ma intreb daca la proprietari nu le e mila de masini sa care ciment(cum era una). Din ce am observat in general se tuneaza scanii si volvo, un mercedes l-am vazut ratacit pe acolo.



    dany, poate ne ajuti si cu alte poze de la saloane auto, pentru ca ma intereseaza si conceptele ce se mai prezinta nou, producatorii mai putin cunoscuti.. eventual site-uri de reviste desore camioane, care au un continut mai bogat, nu numai prezentarea la revista.


    Cred ca o sa dau telefon si celelalte numere din lastautoomnibus , pt ca in numarul 5(de pe august) e prezentat printre altele un roman cu motor de 600 cp, modelul 26.600, plus remorchere gigant, plus neoplan starliner,iar in numarul 4 (de pe iulie 2005) prototipul roman 38.410 VFK, care cel putin pe coperta arata superbine..

  2. Lada will take part in the FIA World Touring Car Championship. On 3 November the Russian mark on the Moscow Sport-Motor-Tuning Exhibition makes the plans confessed officially. Lada exist in 2006, forty years. That the mark does himself celebrate a participation in the WTCC gift. Lada want with this step their technical are able show and it is a component of new marketingstrategie promote the mark name. "we want link our name to motor sport classes in the European and international market," thus Lada-directeur Vitaly Vilchik. "Lada are in Russia already 35 years active in the motor sport and now want we also abroad the circuits on." Lada participate in the WTCC season of 2006 with two cars. Those are prepared MTEC sport in Germany in association with the motorsport department of Lada. The first season is considered as a test period. In 2007, Lada will take part in seriously with the new Priora, which make its debuut on the circuits in that year. That model will appear around that time also in the showrooms. The Priora are a hatchback version of the Siluet, which already eeder on several car shows have stood.





  3. A aparut Samsung E530, un mobil pentru doamne,domnisoare. Printre caracteristici:



    Other functions


    There is no change in the functions for time organization, data ability and many other additional functions; their description could be found in the last chapter of Samsung E720 review. New, however, are the functions, especially specified for the ladies. In the menu under the cleverly named item The Women's Life you'll find some really interesting applications:

    Aroma type – in this application you enter information about your character (food consumed, drink, favorite music, activities planned - for example, aerobic exercises, color, fashion and many others) and the application will write which aroma suits you best. During the writing of this review, according to the phone, the best for me was gentle and cultivated aroma, wood with fresh forest tones. .

    Biorhythm – after entering your birth date, the phone calculates and displays your biorhythm for the present day and for the whole month.

    Height/weight proportion – calculation of the current value of the BMI index. The phone says that I don't have overweight. Yippee!

    Calorie – in case that you mind your line, it is enough only to enter the duration of the activity you're going to do (work, for example) and the phone will tell you how many calories you will burn. Do you know that for the time of writing this review I have burned 400 calories? The phone, however didn't know that during the writing I have eaten a whole Mexican pizza.

    Pink graphic schedule – a classic menstrual calendar, which can highlight also the time for birth-control pills taking.

    Shopping list – here you may define up to five shopping baskets in which you may freely enter different items. Then you just walk in the supermarket and uncheck the already purchased items one by one.



    =)) =)) =)) =))

  4. dupa ce am stat si am vizualizat datele cu cifrele de vanzari,am avut un soc. Insa nu stiu daca nu cumva e greseala.. dupa ce ca in luna iulie 8354 de autoturisme au fost vandute de catre dacia in luna august a reusit sa vanda doar 1884 de automobile (logan in speta). Ditamai caderea zic eu.. is curios daca e adevarata..

  5. acu si voi.. problema principala e faptul ca nu a-ti facut nici unul primul pas. Cei cu masini (mai ales incepatori, care nu va cunoasteti), poate era mai bine sa va fi dat numerele de la masina prin mail, mess, telefon, ca sa va puteti recunoaste mai usor.. nu trebuie neaparat autocolante. Si daca nu.. un trandafir la butoniera :>

  6. stiu ca sunt ca un copil mic  <img src= S"> insa nu am reusit sa gasesc locul unde sa pun optiunile poll-ului, la Poll Content nu imi arata nimic nici in opera, nici in firefox, nici in ie.

  7. pai imi dau seama de diferente (am stat si eu intr-un stralis,dar nici plasticul din el nu mi s-a parut cine stie ce), dar stau si ma intreb daca e chiar asa de mare diferenta de pret intre un camion strain si unul romanesc. Cat costa in mod uzual un cap tractor strain? ca sa avem o baza de incepere a discutiei..

  8. multam fain vaxxi. Inca o problema ar mai fi ca nu am vazut optiune de poll nou.. probabil inca mai lucrati la el.. Si cum vine cu poll multiplu? Mai multe intrebari cu rezultate separate intr-un topic?

  9. mie cand dau click pe butonul rss(in opera), imi arata doar o casuta alba (fara nici un continut in ea, doar un dreptunghi alb). Unde ar putea fi problema?



    Version 7.53

    Build 3850

  10. intradevar. Stie cineva care is diferentele de pret dintre un roman si un iveco de exemplu(care cred ca e unul dintre cele mai ieftine camioane straine)? Sa zicem ca plasticele ca plasticele la roman, dar ca si confort cum stau? Pentru ca pentru un sofer de camion, banuiesc ca asta conteaza cel mai mult, mai ales cand face drumuri lungi..


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