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Posts posted by maximus

  1. se pare ca apple se gandeste sa produca un smartphone. Oare va aduce lucruri noi?



    Revenind insa la comentariile lui Ed Zander, acesta a lansat la un moment dat o afirmatie care ii va incanta cu siguranta pe fanii Mac, si nu numai. In opinia sa, Apple se gandeste serios la un smartphone. “Stim cu totii ca vor proiecta un smartphone, e doar o chestiune de timp", a spus Ed Zander.


    Sursa: aici

  2. o solutie pentru a proteja cd-urile de zgariere, prin aplicare unei folii pe cd


    Zgarieturile mediilor optice reprezinta o mare problema; chiar daca sunt pastrate in carcase sau un huse, un astfel de incident poate insemna un dezastru, mai ales daca datele stocate sunt deosebit de importante.


    Englezii de la D-Skin s-au gandit


    ca cea mai buna metoda de le proteja este aplicarea unei folii care se fixeaza pe marginile discului, cu ajutorul unui adeziv special, Liplock Seal.


    Aceste “skin-uri” se pot schimba foarte usor in cazul in care au fost deteriorate si sunt neutre din punct de vedere optic, ceea ce inseamna ca discul va putea fi citit de orice dispozitiv.


    In plus, un disc protejat prin aceasta metoda nu mai trebuie pus in carcase sau huse, invelisul protector fiind destul de rezistent.


    In acest fel, nu va mai fi nevoie sa faceti o copie de siguranta a celor mai utilizate discurilor. Cei de la Personal Computer World au testat aceasta metoda de protectie si au fost destul de incantati de foliile de la D-Skin.


    Aceastea se vand in pachete de cate 5, 20, 50 sau 100 de bucati, preturile variind intre 6 si 50 de lire sterline.




    Sursa: aici

  3. arata destul de bine tt-ul. Am vazut si un bmw 330ci cabrio cu spinere.Interesant, insa strica masina dupa mine, mai ales ca toate spinerele trebuie sa fie musai cromate. Se vede destul de fain cand e oprita, dar in miscare.. bleah. Adaug si un Audi RS6 cu numere de olanda.Superb.. si sunetul motorului iti poate da orgasme (la figurat :mrgreen: )

  4. Mitsubishi has plenty planned for the upcoming 39th Tokyo Motor Show, including the highly-anticipated world concept debut of its next-generation rally car.


    The highlight of Mitsu's show stand will be Concept-X, which is basically the next-generation Lancer Evolution. The company will also show Concept-D:5, a go-anywhere, high-performance concept, a new-look Outlander and the new-age i minicar.


    Concept-X is powered by a turbocharged 2.0-liter four mated to a clutchless six-speed auto-manual transmission controlled by paddle shifters mounted on the steering column.


    The frame has been significantly stiffened, while the use of aluminum in the hood, trunk lid, fenders, roof and front and rear door panels reduces weight. Reducing weight in the roof and upper parts of the body helps lower the center of gravity, while weight reduction in the doors, engine hood, and trunk reduces the moment of inertia for better steerability.


    Suspension is MacPherson strut at the front and a multi-link at the rear.


    The on-board multimedia system includes a high-definition liquid crystal monitor providing real-time display of vehicle and the all-wheel-drive system’s operating status while also displaying on-board navigation system maps and DVD audio controls. Rear seat passengers have their own liquid crystal display on the back of the front seats that allows them to share with the driver driving-related information and his/her fun-to-drive experience.










  5. un suzuki swift modelul nou il da revista auto motor si sport, la concursul best cars. Singura revista din romania care isi permite asa ceva. Si ca o nota de gluma, daddy fizz, promite ca va oferi la o tombola 5 masini sport in valoare de 200.000 de euro  <img src= )">

  6. Nissan Motor Co., Ltd., today unveiled Pivo, its imaginative electric car concept, in partnership with renowned Japanese artist Takashi Murakami at the company's Nissan Ginza Gallery in downtown Tokyo.


    Pivo, which will be on display at this year's Tokyo Motor Show, features an innovative cabin that revolves 360 degrees, eliminating the need to reverse. Thanks to its compact body, the car is also exceptionally easy to maneuver.


    The three-seater car comes with a number of user-friendly technologies, including Nissan's Around View Monitor which reduces blind spots by displaying the outside surroundings on screens mounted on the inside of the car's A-pillars located on either side of the windshield. A dash-mounted infrared (IR) commander allows the driver to operate the navigation and stereo systems with simple finger movements without letting go of the steering wheel.


    Pivo is powered by Nissan's compact, high-performance lithium-ion battery and its unique Super Motor, resulting in zero emissions.


    The gallery space for the Pivo event, which was designed by Murakami, features a futuristic vegetable garden installation, as well as large balloons and illustrations of "Pivo-chan," a character he designed based on the concept car's inspiring image.




    The Pivo concept car examines the potential of future electric vehicles. The Pivo's most distinctive feature is its cabin that revolves 360 degrees, eliminating the need to reverse. A compact body also makes the car exceptionally easy to maneuver. Excellent visibility is enhanced by Nissan’s Around View technology, which helps reduce dangerous blind spots. The navigation and audio systems are simple to operate while driving. These features are supported by Nissan’s innovative environment-friendly technologies such as the Compact Lithium-ion Battery. Pivo promises to turn dreams into reality.



    Easy-to-drive and user friendly



    Outstanding maneuverability: Pivo is ideal for urban driving. It can easily pass oncoming traffic even on the narrowest streets and is a cinch to park in the tightest of spots. Pivo seats three passengers comfortably despite an overall length of just 2,700 mm. The driver sits front and center while two passengers sit side-by-side in the rear. Tall, electrically-powered sliding doors make it easy to get in and out without hitting your head.




    There’s no going back: Parking in a tight spot invariably requires backing in inch-by-inch. But with Pivo there’s no going back; you simply pivot the entire cabin – hence the concept’s name. This ability to park while always looking forward is enabled by Nissan's advanced drive-by-wire technologies that preclude the need for mechanical connections between cabin and chassis.




    Easy to operate with no hidden dangers: Today’s urbanites are deluged with information from all sides. But Pivo manages the flow with a host of telematics features that deliver the right information at the right time. The driver can control the information flow without taking the eyes off the road. What’s more, visibility is enhanced by see-through pillars, Nissan's Around View Monitor and other innovations that reduce blind spots.



    Futuristic exterior and interior



    Inside and out, Pivo’s state-of-the-art innovations are showcased by a design that is futuristic yet friendly. Front and rear lamps feature a clear, clean-looking design. And the exterior even features oval recesses both front and rear that are covered with soft materials – comfy places to sit outside when Pivo is parked. You find the same thoughtfulness in a soft, organic interior that extends from the center of the revolving egg-shaped cabin, which is the Pivo's most unique feature. Because the platform has a longitudinally symmetrical design, the driver's perception of the car's corners does not change even when the cabin is rotated 180 degrees.



    Advanced technologies enhance driving experience



    Pivo is powered by a Nissan-developed high-performance Compact Lithium-ion Battery and Nissan’s unique Super Motor. The result is zero emissions. Beyond this outstanding environmental performance, the electric powertrain enables a highly compact body. Designers made the most of Nissan’s Compact Lithium-ion Battery – which, being flat, require much less space than conventional cylindrical cells – to achieve remarkable packaging efficiency. Even more space and weight savings are achieved with Nissan’s Super Motor. One Super Motor on each axle delivers power to two shafts, each of which can be controlled independently. This allows efficient distribution of torque to all four wheels with two (not four) electric motors.




    Pivo's unique revolving cabin is just one of the myriad possibilities enabled by Nissan’s multiple drive-by-wire technologies. These include steer-by-wire, brake-by-wire and shift-by-wire systems that replace mechanical linkages with electronic signals. By eliminating the need for mechanical links between cabin and chassis, designers were able to create the unique pivoting passenger compartment. Drive-by-wire technologies afford even more flexibility inside the cabin as the layout of steering, braking and other functions is no longer governed by mechanical linkages. Even better, drive-by-wire systems mean less weight and fewer mechanical parts.




    See-through pillars and Nissan’s Around View Monitor helps to reduce dangerous blind spots. Cameras mounted on the outside of each A-pillar feed an accurate image of the surroundings to screens mounted on the inside of the pillar. The net effect is pillars that become virtual windows. The Around View Monitor meanwhile generates a 360-degree view of the car’s surroundings on a dashboard monitor. Cameras positioned front and rear on both sides of the car capture images of the surroundings. An innovative image processing technique synthesizes these images into a single bird’s-eye view.




    A dash-mounted infrared (IR) commander allows drivers to operate the navigation system and audio system without taking an eye off the road or fumbling around for controls. It’s a new type of human-machine interface (HMI) that uses an infrared camera and Nissan’s "Magic 4" concept. You simply point fingers at the infared commander to choose from any of four items on a menu. If you want item number three, hold up three fingers. Or, for example, if you want the music louder, just motion upwards with your hand.




    Thanks to Nissan's Horizontal Display there is even less need to take an eye off the road – because information is displayed along the bottom of the windshield. This system, first featured in the Serenity concept shown at the Tokyo Motor Show two years ago, displays information in the manner of movie subtitles. This innovative display system supports Nissan's future telematics interface concept. For example, in “City Browsing mode,” the system can display information transmitted live from nearby locations. What’s that building up ahead? City Browsing labels it.




    What does the future have in store? Pivo points the way.







  7. eu zic sa nu ajungem ca si pe forumul honda, unde orice model honda e de o mie de ori mai bun decat orice concurent care vine de la germani, chiar daca poate nu e asa.. eu zic sa fim moderati in afirmatii si sa respectam parerea si alegerea altora. Chiar daca si-au luat ZKR :P

  8. maximus , nu prea am auzit sa poti obtine gratuitati de la dealer dacia. Poate un pres sau doua , dar trebuie sa te ti de ei. Vezi ca la , laureate nu aveai geamuri spate electrice :P . A/C , geamuri fata (cu impuls pe partea soferului) , computer , oglinzi electrice , proiectoare, o a 3-a tetiera , scaun reglabil inaltime , buzunare la scaune , lumina care se stinge progresiv , lumina in torpedou , 4 boxe si cred cam atat ai in plus fata de Preferance.


    mea culpa nu am fost atent.. asta e cu gratuitatile si cu succesul golanului, isi permit sa nu faca nici un discount.



    Baia Mare ? ..pai in Iasi n-aveti dealeri? :D ... cat priveste garantia este un forum unde oameni mult mai initiati in ZKR te pot sfatui :)


    acum stau in iasi, insa de loc sunt din maramures. Nu prea am chef sa ma inscriu pe daciaclub.Prefer sa caut raspunsuri aici.





    Maximus garantia extinsa acopera tot.Dar e inca un motiv al astora de la Renault de a mai scoate niste bani in plus la o chestie care la alte firme este oferita gratis!De reduceri nu am auzit sa se fi facut asa ceva pana acum,doar mici bonusuri(in functie de dealer)la livrare.



    Sper sa fie asa, abia astept sa vina golanul prietenei sa apuc sa ma uit pe garantia aia extinsa, pentru ca nu au vrut sa le dea un exemplar sa studieze la dealer. In privinta garantiei, am zis asta e.. what the heck.. macar stai linistit in anumite privinte, iar cu casco.. vreau sa facem la tiriac.. gresesc in alegerea tiriac-ului pentru casco?

  9. pai cartea aia nu are nevoie de un rezumat.. se citeste singura practic.. are niste personaje de care pur si simplu te indragostesti,sper ca si fetita ta sa simta la fel (romanul e suficient de bun astfel incat sa te puna in pielea personajelor si sa traiesti odata cu ele). Daca cartea e fara poze (nu stiu de ce dar simt eu ca niste poze incluse in aceasta carte numai o strica,pentru ca nu iti da posibilitatea sa iti conturezi tu idei despre felul cum arata personajele, cum sunt imbracate etc etc) cu atat mai bine :P  <img src= ">

  10. eu zic ca e prea mult spus jurnal tv, iar televiziunile noastre mioritice iarasi au mancat cacao cu polonicul, spunand ca e televiziune si ca e o copie al al-jazeera. In fapt sunt doar niste inregistrari, numai ca mai nou in loc sa arate niste indivizi mascati care zic niste basini, pur si simplu comenteaza niste chestii. Tocmai buna pentru unii idioti ce isi zic martiri.


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