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Formula 1 - 2006

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sper ca Schumacher si baietzii rosii sa fi pus masina la punct...

atat va zic...ganditi-va de cand e Schumacher si cu cate generatii de piloti s-a batut...au venit au concurat au plecat si el s-a batut cu toti. Spune multe!!!!

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Pana una alta patronii formulei au schimbat din nou regulamentul:

- de la propulsoarele de 3l / V10 s-a trecut la cele de 2,4 / V8;

- pot fi schimbate pneurile ori de cate ori e nevoie (in limita a 7 seturi de uscat, 4 seturi wet si 3 seturi intermediare);

- calificarile vor fi numai sambata, toti pilotii realizand cate tururi vor; dupa 15 min se vor elimina cele mai slabe 6 masini care vor ocupa pozitiile 17-22 de pe grila;dupa alte15 min - alte 6 masini out; ultimele 10 masini se vor bate pentru pole position si vor trebui sa inceapa ultima parte de 20 min, a calificarilor, cu benzina cu care vor lua startul - combustibilul consumat in timpul celor 20 min fiind inlocuit inaintea startului.


O stire de ultima ora din gsp - kimi ar fii in discutii cu cei de la ferarri pentru un eventual transfer in viitorul nu prea indepartat iar Michelin este la ultimul sezon in F1

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Sunt curios sa vad ce restrictii o sa puna tinand cont de faptul ca avem 2 tipuri de motoare...

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legat de motoare:


"Formula One engines may be no more than 2.4 litres in capacity. They must have 8 cylinders in a 90-degree formation, with two inlet and two exhaust valves per cylinder. They must be normally aspirated and weigh at least 95 kilograms. The FIA may permit teams to use a rev-limited, 3-litre V10 engine (compliant with 2005 regulations) if a competitive V8 is not available to them.


Turbochargers, superchargers and devices designed to pre-cool air before it enters the cylinders are not allowed. Nor is the injection of any substance into the cylinders other than air and fuel. Variable-geometry inlet and exhaust systems are also forbidden, as is variable valve timing. Each cylinder may have just one fuel injector and ignition must be by a single spark plug.


The materials used in the manufacture of the engine and its components are strictly controlled by the regulations. The crankcase and cylinder block must be made of cast or wrought aluminium alloys - the use of composite materials is not allowed. The crankshaft and camshafts must be made from an iron-based alloy, pistons from an aluminium alloy and valves from alloys based on iron, nickel, cobalt or titanium.


Formula One cars do not have their own, onboard starting systems. Separate starting devices may be used to start engines in the pits and on the grid. If the engine is fitted with an anti-stall device, this must be set to cut the engine within ten seconds in the event of an accident."

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Hmmm interesant,acuma bag si eu;

1 la mana...doar limitare la motoarele V10 mi se pare apa de ploaie (ma gandesc la circuite virajate cum e Monaco fara o linie dreapta propriuzisa...va dati seama ca V8 nu are nici o sansa acolo).

2 la mana...blocul motor facut din aliaj de aluminiu si asta lasa loc de interpretare(ca pot sa il fac din aliaj de aluminiu cu ceramica si nu mai bubuie nici dupa 5 curse)

Faza cu un singur injector si bujie pe cilindru iar da avantaj V10.

O sa fie o ciulama de toata frumusetea pe circuite gen Monza o sa conteze decat V8 iar pe circuite gen Monaco V10 rulz.

Edited by Alezz

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Cine vine cu V10?

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Stai ca zic imediat ca citesc acu,se pare ca Ferrari a testat in iarna asta V10 cu limitare.

O sa fie cred ca maxim 3 echipe cu motoare V10;

Toro Rosso

Super Aguri(baniuesc)


A number of changes to both the Sporting and Technical Regulations have been made by the FIA for the 2006 Formula One season.



For 2006, the single-lap system used in recent years is replaced be a new three-part, knockout format, with multiple cars on track throughout the qualifying hour, which is split into two 15-minute sessions and a final 20-minute session, with five-minute breaks in between.


Part one: All 22 cars may run laps at any time during the first 15 minutes of the hour. At the end of the first 15 minutes, the six slowest cars drop out and fill the final six grid places.


Part two: After a five-minute break, the times will be reset and the 16 remaining cars then will then run in a second 15-minute session - again they may complete as many laps as they want at any time during that period. At the end of the 15 minutes, the six slowest cars drop out and fill places 11 to 16 on the grid.


Part three: After another five-minute break, the times are reset and the final 20-minute session will feature a shootout between the remaining 10 cars to decide pole position and the starting order for the top 10 grid places. Again, these cars may run as many laps as they wish.


In the first two 15-minute sessions, cars may run any fuel load and drivers knocked out after those sessions may refuel ahead of the race. However, the top-ten drivers must begin the final 20-minute session with the fuel load on which they plan to start the race. They will be weighed before they leave the pits, and whatever fuel they use in the 20 minutes may be replaced at the end of the session.


If a driver is deemed to have stopped unnecessarily on the circuit or impeded another driver during the qualifying session, then his times will be cancelled.



For 2006, engines are reduced in size from the previous 3-litre V10s to 2.4-litre V8s. The aim is to reduce costs and improve safety. With similar engine speeds, the change is expected to cut peak power by around 200bhp, which in turn is likely to add around three to five seconds to lap times at most circuits. The FIA may allow some teams to use 2005-spec V10s if they do not have access to competitive V8. The FIA will enforce a rev limit on any V10s to ensure performance is comparable with that of a V8.



After a season’s absence, tyre changes during races return to Formula One in 2006. The thinking behind this is that the reduced engine size will offset any performance gain. Drivers also have access to slightly more tyres than in 2005 - seven sets of dry-weather, four sets of wet-weather and three sets of extreme-weather. Drivers must make a final choice of dry-weather compound ahead of qualifying.


Weekend schedule

In a slight change to the Grand Prix weekend format, Saturday morning now features a single, one-hour practice session, as opposed to two, 45-minute sessions. It takes place between 1100 and 1200. Qualifying is an hour later than before, commencing at 1400.

Astea is modificarile de cele mai importante...cica. @-)

Edited by Alezz

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Renault - Renault V8 RS26 - 90°

McLaren - Mercedes V8 FO 108S - 90°

Ferrari - Ferrari V8 056 - 90°

Toyota - Toyota V8 RVX-06 - 90°

WilliamsF1 - Cosworth V8 CA2006 - 90°

HondaF1 - Honda V8 RA806E - 90°

Red Bull Racing - Ferrari V8 056 - 90°

BMW Sauber F1 - BMW V8 P86 - 90°

Midland GP - Toyota V8 RVX-06 - 90°

Toro Rosso - Cosworth V10 - 72°

Super Aguri F1 Team - Honda V8 RA806E - 90°


cam asa s-au anuntat oficial motoarele.ar putea sa fie un avantaj pentru Cosworth care au experienta la motoare V8

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Doar o singură echipă cu V10 ? Sincer mă aşteptam la mai multe după toate speculaţiile făcute.

Nu cred că cosworth vor avea un avantaj semnificativ totuşi. Să nu uităm că marea majoritate a constructorilor au experienţă cu aceste motoare prin alte eşaloane ale sporturilor cu motor sau chiar prin producţia de serie.

Vitezele de vârf nu vor fi cu mult diminuate însă cred că timpii vor fi ceva mai slabi datorită demarajelor ceva mai lente. Tind să cred că pe sfârşitul sezonului se vor atinge performanţe "aproape" comparabile cu cele de anul trecut.

 <img src= ">

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Cine vine cu V10?

Eu am inteles ca s-a trecut de la V10 / 3l la V8 / 2,4l, dar dupa ce am citit ce ati zis voi se pare ca m-am inselat.

Sa vedem ce-o fi pana la urma.

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Au trecut dar nu toti :D acu vedem duminica care ce si cum.

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Io cred ca un motor mare "sugrumat" e mai prost decit un motor mic "liber"; de altfel, e evident, in afara de Torrro Rosso (adica pepiniera lui Red Bull) nimeni nu intra la bataie cu V10 limitate.


PS: oare Red Bull - Torro Rosso or s-o puna de blaturi? ar fi foarte tare, nu?

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Cred ca mai toate echipele mari au pregatite 2 monoposturi: 1 cu motor V8, 1 cu motor V10.. si care se preteaza mai bine pentru configuratia circuitului aia o sa fie.. si o sa le schimbe de la circuit la circuit. Nimeni nu obliga o echipa ca pastreze acelasi motor si acelasi sasiu pentru tot campionatul.

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Vor avea limitare la RPM nu la injectie asta ar fii complet aiurea.Ma gandesc la ceva de genu Cielo SOHC lasat la liber(limitare 6.000 rpm) si cielo DOHC limitat la 4.000rpm eu asa inteleg diferentele de motoare din F1 cam asa ar trebui sa fie cu limitarea...cred.

Edited by Alezz

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Toata lumea stie ca cea mai manjita(blaturi) echipa din F1 e Ferrari :-& .

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De ce spui asta? Nu cred ca Ferrari a fost acuzat de frauda... in schimb Renault da (sistemul de demaraj din 2004 parca...) Ferrari si-au facut o super masina si au cumparat cei mai buni ingineri.

FIA a modificat regulamentele pentru a distruge avansul tehnologic acumulat de ferrari si au profitat cei de la Renaul.. si au fost nevoiti sa modifice iar regulamentele... asa ca acum toate echipele iar au creeat monoposturile de la zero.

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Si cel mai rau Honda, cu rezervorul de rezerva ;)

Se pare ca anul asta s-au ambitionat, sa vedem!

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Daca au lasat la liber schimb de cauciucuri in timpul cursei Renault nu mai are nici o sansa...anu asta e al lui Raikkonen.

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Las ca te vad eu la anul cu cine mai tii ;)

Cu Răikonen la Fieraru si Alonso la MecLarăn :)

Edited by Tommy

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Cu McLaren tin de 20 de ani asa ca...nu conteaza cine alearga pt ei...de ferrari sunt :-& ...

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cam asa s-au desfasurat testele...deja se bat recorduri detinute de motoare V10


"For reference, the fastest time set at Valencia in a 2006 spec car was a 1:09.987 set by Kimi Raikkonen on the 17th of February.

The fastest time in 2005 (V10 power) was a 1:09.005 by Kimi Raikkonen."


iar a doua zi:


"Davidson's best time was a 1:08.543.Davidson's time was the best time set so far at Valencia!. "

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