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GM Inchide 4 Fabrici SUV In Sua Canada Si Mexic

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WILMINGTON, Del. - General Motors is closing four truck and SUV plants in the U.S., Canada and Mexico as surging fuel prices hasten a dramatic shift to smaller vehicles.


CEO Rick Wagoner said Tuesday before the automaker's annual meeting in Delaware the plants to be closed are in Oshawa, Ontario; Moraine, Ohio; Janesville, Wis.; and Toluca, Mexico. He also said the iconic Hummer brand may be discontinued.


Wagoner said the GM board has approved production of a new small Chevrolet car at a plant in Lordstown, Ohio, in mid-2010 and the Chevy Volt electric vehicle in Detroit.


Wagoner announced the moves in response to slumping sales of pickups and SUVs brought on by high oil prices. He said a market shift to smaller vehicles is permanent./


GM shares rose 36 cents, or 2.1 percent, to $17.80 in premarket trading.


The cuts will affect about 2,500 workers at each of the four facilities, although Wagoner did not know exact numbers. Many will be able to take openings created when 19,000 more U.S. hourly workers leave later this year through early retirement and buyout offers.


He said the company has no plans to allocate products to the four plants in the future.


"We really would not foresee the likely prospect of new products in the plants that we're announcing today that we'll cease production in," he told a Moraine, Ohio, city official who asked a question in a telephone conference call.


The moves will save the company $1 billion per year starting in 2010. Combined with previous efforts, GM will have cut costs by $15 billion a year, Wagoner said.


Wagoner said GM's board approved the production schedule of the Chevrolet Volt, and the company plans to bring the plug-in electric car to showrooms by the end of 2010. The Volt runs on an electric motor and has a small engine to recharge its batteries.


He said the change in the U.S. market to smaller vehicles likely is permanent. "We at GM don't think this is a spike or a temporary shift," Wagoner said.


The Detroit-based automaker also has just emerged from a spate of labor problems, with two local union strikes at key factories and a nearly three-month strike at key parts maker American Axle and Manufacturing Holdings Inc.


GM said in a recent regulatory filing the strikes will cost it a total of $2 billion before taxes in the second quarter.


@puchi: mi-e lene sa traduc, sic :P

Edited by Sebian

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Banuiesc ca fabricau SUV-uri si pick-up-uri de alea nesimtit de mari cu motoare de 6 litri pe benzina. Pentru masini n-am nici un regret, numai pentru forta de munca din acele fabrici.

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Mda, 10000 de oameni, cam mult :|

Edited by EM!L

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Banuiesc ca fabricau SUV-uri si pick-up-uri de alea nesimtit de mari cu motoare de 6 litri pe benzina. Pentru masini n-am nici un regret, numai pentru forta de munca din acele fabrici.



Naspa. Hummer-ul imi place de mor...

Edited by EnglishRadux

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Lasa bre ca iti iei SH. :D


Se pare ca si in SUA trece era "gigantilor" lumea orientandu-se catre masini cu motoare mai mici.

Edited by ZeNeSeu

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Inchide pentru ca:

1. este in deep shit financiar

2. nu a anticipat tendintele pietei si a ramas cu niste dinozauri in oferta, mancaciosi si depasiti

3. au costuri MULT mai ridicate in fabricile lor decat japonezii (care au fabrici in US)

4. au fabrici mult mai vechi decat japonezii

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Asta-i motivul principal, japonezii :thumbl: . Au dat peste cap toata piata americana, chiar pe teren propriu, cu fabrici noi, costuri mult mai mici ca ale lor in ceea ce priveste productia si comercializarea, calitate superioada...

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Rising Gas Prices Finally Kill The Once-Mighty SUV




Nissan pounded the latest nail into the coffin today when it followed General Motors, Ford and Toyota in saying it will scale back production of trucks and SUVs in favor of fuel-efficient cars now that the bottom has fallen out of light truck market. Car sales, which accounted for half of the industry's volume last year, hit 57 percent last month while truck sales fell by double-digits to their lowest mark since 1995.

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Seful OPEC: Fara speculatii, petrolul ar costa circa 70 de dolari barilul



Presedintele OPEC, Chakib Khelil, sustine ca fara speculatiile care se fac pe piata petrolului, un baril de titei ar costa aproximativ 70 de dolari.


"Nu este o problema de cerere si oferta. Este pur si simplu un balon de sapun format de speculatii care se bazeaza pe deprecierea dolarului si pe tensiunile geopolitice", a declarat Khelil, care este si ministrul algerian al Energiei, citat de Reuters.


"Problema este criza economica din SUA care a dus la scaderea dolarului si amenintarile la adresa Iranului, care cresc tensiunile geopolitice", a explicat acesta. "Daca nu ar fi acesti factori pretul petrolului ar fi probabil de 70 de dolari barilul", a adaugat seful OPEC.


Khelil spune ca pretul combustibilului este atat de mare din cauza taxelor impuse de autoritati in fiecare tara. "In Europa, de exemplu, 75% din pretul la pompa sunt taxele", considera Chakib Khelil.


In 9 septembrie, la Viena, va avea loc reuniunea ministeriala a OPEC unde va fi evaluata piata si de unde se asteapta decizii pentru a o stabiliza.


Tarile membre G8, plus China, India si Coreea de Sud au cerut, in 8 iunie, cresterea urgenta a productiei de petrol pe fondul cresterii continue a pretului barilului. Ca raspuns, statele membre OPEC au spus ca nu intentioneaza sa se intruneasca pentru a discuta despre scumpire, inainte de data stabilita - 9 septembrie.




Si un nou efect al inchiderii fabricilor GM: apariti marcii Tata Hummer =))


Indienii de la Tata si Mahindra sunt interesati de Hummer, marca GM



Cele doua mari companii auto indiene, Tata Motors si Mahindra & Mahindra, sunt interesate de preluarea marcii Hummer. Informatia vine in contextul in care conducerea General Motors nu a exclus o posibila vanzare a marcii.

Rick Wagoner, CEO General Motors, a declarat cu ocazia reuniunii nationale a actionarilor grupului ca este posibil ca brandul Hammer sa fie vandut, in conditiile dificultatilor financiare si procesului de restructurare a activitatii companiei.


Vanzarile modelelor Hummer au scazut cu circa 60% doar in ultimul an, pe fondul noilor norme de poluare anuntate in SUA.


In acest conditii, scrie presa americana, GM ar fi declansat o serie de negocieri cu companiile interesate de preluarea marcii, printre acestea aflandu-se Tata Motors si Mahindra & Mahindra.


Interesul celor doua companii este diferit. Dupa ce a preluat Jaguar si Land Rover, pentru 2,3 miliarde de dolari, Tata Motors intentioneaza sa devina unul dintre cei mai importanti producatori mondiali de automobile.


Pe de alta parte, interesul indienilor de la Mahindra&Mahindra este dat de platforma Hummer, compania incercand sa intre pe piata SUV-urilor. De asemenea, grupul indian spera sa capteze o parte din cererea americana de automobile ieftine si cu consum redus, prin preturi si paleta larga de oferte.

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