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Everything posted by zalmoxis

  1. nici la mine nu merge !..Deci ssa moara !....Tzazk shi pack aia!!!!!!!!
  2. Mai Lucik da'ala nu e sintetic si sa-ti mai zic o treaba prin praful si nenorocireqa asta de oras crede-ma prefer sa skimb la 5-6000 decat sa-mi fac motorul tandari!..Tu gandeste-te k mati nu e ca ticutza e mai greu si motorul trage mai mult!...E mai naspa asta e !!!
  3. si eu m-am hotarat 10W 30 skimb la 5000-6000 ! Gata !..
  4. Deci voi fi injurat da'cred ca terminam cu topicul asta gata !!!! "The Society of Automotive Engineers Viscosity Classification The terms SAE 10W-30 and SAE 15W-40 are widely used. How many people actually understand what these terms mean? Firstly any viscosity grade should be proceeded by the initials SAE. This stands for the Society of Automotive Engineers and indicated that the following viscosity classification refers to their definitions. It should be noted that SAE is not a performance category it only refers to the viscosity of the oil. When comparing oils the reader should not only compare the SAE viscosity grades of two oils but also the engine performance classifications in order to be able to fully compare performance. Let us consider the following: SAE 15W-40. The fact that this classification has two parts; the 15W and the 40 indicates that the oil is a multigrade. The first number with the suffix 'W' indicates the oil's performance at low temperature. In fact the 'W' stands for winter. The lower the 'W' number the lower the viscosity of the oil. Therefore an SAE 5W oil is a lower viscosity oil than an SAE 10W oil. The number after the W, in the above case '40'; gives a measure of the oil's viscosity at high temperature. Again the lower the number the thinner the oil is at high temperature. So an SAE 30 is a thinner, or less viscous, oil than an SAE 40. A multigrade oils is an oil that has two parts such as SAE 15W-40, or 20W-50. A monograde oil only has one part, such as SAE 30, or SAE 40. The Chevron Supreme Range of Motor Oils offer wide range of viscosity grades to cover the wide variations in temperature experienced by the end users. Below is a comparison of the range of operating temperatures suitable for the various viscosity grades. The choice of viscosity grade is a difficult subject. The manufacturer's recommendations should be followed. If this not available then your Chevron dealer can help you select the correct grade. Common questions are asked: What is better a SAE 10W-40 or an SAE 15W-40? Using the simple rules above it is clear to see that both of these oils have a similar high temperature viscosity as indicated by the '40'. However the 10W-40 is a thinner oil than the SAE 15W-40 at cold temperatures. Simply apply the rule that the lower the 'W'; number the thinner the oil. The SAE 10W is lower than the SAE 15W and hence is a thinner oil. Therefore in cold temperatures we can state that the SAE 10W-40 oil is better than the SAE 15W-40 oil. In winter the end user may experience a benefit by moving from an SAE 15W-40 oil to an SAE 10W-40 oil. Can I use an SAE 10W-30 in summer During summer when ambient temperatures are high the oil will tend to be thinner so a more viscous oil should be preferred. The SAE 10W-30 is a thin oil so generally speaking either an SAE 10W-40 or SAE 15W-40, both more viscous, could offer better engine protection. In summer is an SAE 10W type oil required? Probably not so the SAE 15W-40 would be the best recommendation. As a first step the manufacturer's recommendations should be followed. In winter the situation is reversed and the SAE 10W-30 oil or the SAE 10W-40 should be favoured. Back to top Mineral Oils Versus Synthetic Oils There is much discussion about mineral oils versus synthetic oils and the relative performance of each type. It is clear that synthetic oils offer certain advantages over mineral oils in terms of low temperature performance, and high temperature oxidation stability but that is not the whole story. Synthetic oils are very expensive and properly formulated mineral oils are more than suitable for most engine applications. A synthetic oil can be considered for very cold temperatures, or for application that may need an outstanding level of oxidation protection but it should be remembered there is a significant cost. The question should always be asked: ‘Can I use a properly formulated mineral oil for this application?'"
  5. mai eu stiam ca vascozitatea e aia ultima cifra !..Stie careva cum e si cu uleiurile astea !?Eu la Dacie bagam 29W50 BP vara si iarna 20W40 deci CUM E BAIATZI LAMURITI_MA SI PE MINE ...PUII MEI CU ULEIURILE ASTEA!!!
  6. deci nu mai intzeleg nimic unu'e de vara unu de iarna si unu de privmavara tamna !?!>.Deci ce punem noi poa sa zica careva !?!?
  7. Nu e mah Ove asa o sa vezi deci iti spun eu cum iese cu planurile !..La planuri e asa zic toti hai sa mergem si te trezesti ca inainte cu o zi mai raman doi trei asta se -ntampla va spune baiatu...asa fara planuri luati din scurt sa vezi ca iese mult mai bine si cu participatia si cu fun-ul !....O sa vezi (sper k adica sa merg si eu !!!!chi chi chi)
  8. Mai copii da'pan'la urma ce specificatie treb sa fie k m-ati zapacit de tot !!?!?!>.Nu e 10W30!?
  9. Mai Ovidiu termina mai ca sunt ink la job iar resursela sunt ;limitate si AZI E VINERI SI PUII MEI AM ASA UN KEEEEEF SAS IES ..si partca vad ca maine va fi primavara !....Bey ce draq ati deskis voi subiectul asta asa ispititror ca acum numa asta vad vacante munte mare fete bronzate bere vin alea alea de numai de job nu-mi mai arde !....
  10. deci va spune baiatu cum sta treaba totul e sa plecam la drum si vedem noi unde ne oprim si unde stam eu cred ca dk n-avem prea multe fitze in cap (si pana una alta n-am observat apucaturi de genu' asta da' na suntem la inceput) deci zic eu ca avem destule sanse sa impacam pe toata lumea !..Asta insa cu rezerva ca atunci cand vor apare fetele (ale noastre de acasa s-ar putea sa iasa ceva discutii Chi chi chi!!! (AIA CARE STIU stiu CA AM DREPTATE!!!!!!)
  11. zalmoxis

    Spaga in service

    deci dus in Service la Autonet sambata pora 13 masina gata marti la 13 deci fara spaga !..Am dat le baieti dupa cate 200K asa de un vin!...Insa inca odata repet nu mi s-a cerut spaga deloc!...
  12. Mai baieti cati ati mers cu Dacia cu Solenza adica...
  13. zalmoxis

    Matiz II

    Deci intre o Dacie din aia si o Solenza e maaare deosebire intre piticaniile astea nu e crede-ma decat motorul e altul si (naspa ) cutia de viteze!....Hm naspa naspa nu stiu dk o sa apuc sa fac upgrade-ul asta !..EU i-as pune si motor de 1,4 dk ar mereg bagat acolo!.....
  14. mai mie nu-mi troncane deloc pe spate la cat incepe k am deja 14K!?
  15. zalmoxis

    Matiz II

    mai deci eu am 14K km si nu mi se intampla nimic din ce zici tu acolo (nici aia cu air bag si crede-l pe baiatu si cu M II ar fi naspa sa ajungi sa se umfle ala) deci zic eu ca diferentele mai tin si de cum va purtati cu ele!...Si eu trag de ea da'nu iau never sine si alte hopuri cu mai mult de-a doua!.....
  16. zalmoxis

    Matiz II

    Mai eu pana la urma nici nu stiu de ce va excitati asa de M II asta...mie imi place mai mult asta al nostru...singura kestie care ma doare e motorul ala de 1 litru...aia da in rest nu-i nici-o smekerik...parerea mea!!!!!!
  17. mai si abtibildul ala cu long vehicle ce bine sta lipit !chi chi chi!!!!
  18. ..da mah si imi place si cularea in spate acolo!..Auzi da'de ce are zgarietura aia acolo pe hayon!????
  19. eu stiu dk kiar asa!? Prefer asa decat un motor facut prea devreme !..Stiu eu ce styiu cerede-ma !!!
  20. ce sa caut mai ce sa-i dau la http://www.gmclub.ro/forum/index.php?showtopic=15613&view=findpost&p=450382][url=http://www.gmclub.ro/forum/index.php?showtopic=15613&view=findpost&p=450382]cautare[/url]'> !?!.......
  21. deci baietzii de la service vb. cu ei despre acest ulei imi tot spuneau ce naspa e e prost fca se inegreste repede !..ei nu stiu ca negreala aia e uneori de bine nu stiu asta si de aia dau intr0una cu ce prost ulei e daewoo..Eu il skimb la 5000-7000 10W30..Din asta am pus si in Tico acum vreo opt ani !...Si a mers super!...
  22. nu pot ca nu fac poze cu ea treb's-o makiez inainte !...Deci Matiz am mah Matiz ce te dai mare cu Ticutza ala al tau!...Auzi cum adica poza "sugestiva"?....Ce sa sugereze!?!
  23. deci pe=a mea nu pui mana da!?....k de abia am scos-o din service ! )))))
  24. deci ai dreptul sa vi diseara la meeting dk vrei !....E bine!?!

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