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Posts posted by pixelconscious

  1. Update la lista:


    1. Safari Hunter (te-am pus primul ca esti initiator) - adaugi tu cu cine :)

    2. Moshu

    3. Gadele +1

    4. mike.omega (sunt sanse sa nu vin singur :mrgreen: )

    5. Immortal (sunt toate sansele sa vin singur si sa nu vin deloc :banana: )

    6. pixel


    Daca mai merge cineva din B, rog PM la mine, poate ne strangem mai multi :)

  2. Esperatul: 4 X 185/65 R14 Sava Eskimo S3 sau Semperit Wintergrip.

    Dinoc: 4 bucati pt Kalos de iarna, 185/55 R15, preferinte : Dunlop winter sport, Michelin alpin, GoodYear, ...

    Tommy: 2 * MICHELIN ENERGY E3A 185/60/R14 82H.

    Immortal: 4 * 185/55 R15; preferinte: Vredstein Snowtrac 2, Dunlop Winter Sport

    pixel: 175/70R13, 4 bucati, iarna

  3. 8300E este pretul dupa negocieri


    Nu a fost nici-o negociere, acesta este pretul la care oricine poate sa cumpere masina. Cealalta reducere acordata de dealer nu face subiectul acestui topic.


    Asadar, puteti sa faceti calculele pentru Aveo Platinum la un pret CIP de 8300.

  4. Nu stiu cat adevar este in acel articol dar am avut onoarea si placerea sa intalnesc acest gen de fapte remarcabile venite din partea unor oameni obisnuiti. Si din pacate mass media sau beneficiarii nu au catadicsit sa publice macar un anunt la pagina de mica publicitate. Bine ca il ridica in slavi pe zmardoiul Meme si altii ca el, in felul asta avem si noi valori de urmat.

  5. Bogdan: nu neg spusele acelor ofiteri (pe care intre noi fie vorba le consider adevarate intr-o oarecare proportie). Eu contest in primul rand placerea lor de a exagera lucrurile si de a nega anumite adevaruri doar de dragul de a adauga un spor de x% la diurna de pericol sau de acomodare (lucru care poate fi observat pe site-ul state.gov). In al doilea rand, acolo se pomeneste de "Militie"... ce dovada mai buna poti sa ai despre pregatirea lor? Si nu in ultimul rand, as vrea sa vad si eu americanul samaritean care sare sa-si ajute compatriotul implicat intr-un scandal/jaf de strada. Si nu vorbesc aici de Bruce Willis ci de oameni adevarati.


    Consider ca avem foarte multe lucruri bune de invatat de la americani, dar cateodata cred ca putem sa le dam lectii de diplomatie. Pana una-alta, sa fie la ei libertatea de a aduce arme in scoli si de a-si masacra colegii de generala.


    Imaginea romanilor de peste hotare nu este altceva decat oglinda societatii noastre: cativa oamenii muncesc, restul... "se descurca". Indiferent daca ne place sau nu, asta este adevarul.

  6. Iar pentru shopping Mariahilfer Strasse  <img src= )"> Prietena ta o sa aprecieze iar portofelul tau va sti de ce :) )

    Catedrala Stephansdom, Prater, Piata Operei sunt obligatorii. In rest, fiecare strada, fiecare cladire are farmecul ei. Daca pleci cu masina ai grija ca parcarea este cam scumpa, eu ca romanul lasam masina o zi in parcare dupa care ieseam sa dau o tura in jurul cladirii si intram din nou. Poti sa circuli linistit si cu autobuzele sau metroul, ai sa vezi ca poti sa-ti potrivesti ceasul dupa ele :)


    Daca tot esti acolo si poti sa pierzi o zi, ia autobuzul si da o fuga pana in Salzburg.

    Distractie placuta :)




    LE: scuze, acum am observat ca ti s-a mai recomandat Mariahilfer.

  7. Vali: ca vechi si harsait utilizator de Windows iti dai seama ca resetul a fost unul dintre primele lucruri pe care l-am facut (desi am uitat sa mentionez in primul post)


    Method: ies mai tarziu sa incerc. Sper sa ai dreptate desi tehnic mi se pare imposibil. Oricum, multumesc :)

  8. Astazi am descoperit un lucru ciudat la Fujitsu Simens-ul meu care foloseste I-Go 2005. Vroiam sa stabilesc un traseu si observ ca nu vede nici-un satelit. Verific setarile.. totul era OK. Il pun iarasi sa detecteze.. zice "Conectare cu succes la receptorul GPS". Cu toate astea, in continuare nu vede nici-un satelit, nici macar GPS Locator nu rezolva nimic.


    A mai experimentat cineva aceeiasi problema? Care sunt cauzele?

  9. Partea a doua a weekendului:


    Biker gang:




    post-174-1157484271_thumb.jpg post-174-1157484299_thumb.jpg


    Asa este, LMA Rodica :)



    Empty street



    Rroma kids (Aici fac o paranteza, copii astia cand au vazut ca le fac poza au inceput sa arunce cu bucati de caramida in mine. Dupa ce mi-am luat o bucata in picior, m-am gandit ca ar fi o solutie buna sa plec naiba de-acolo)


  10. Despre mult discutatul statul al imigrantilor Est Europeni. Pentru cine nu are rabdare sa citeasca tot articolul, poate sa parcurga ultimul paragraf



    Workers At The Gates

    Monday, September 4, 2006

    The Wall Street Journal

    By Roland Rudd



    (Mr. Rudd is the chairman of Business for New Europe)



    LONDON -- Some members of the British media are up to their usual tricks. The prospect of further immigration to the U.K. once Bulgaria and Romania enter the European Union, as soon as next year, has prompted the customary scare mongering. Headlines about crime, corruption and drugs linked to immigrants have abounded in some of the U.K.'s more vociferous media titles.


    These doomsday scenarios have of course been heard before. Ahead of the last enlargement in 2004, similar spook stories appeared. Particular venom was reserved for the Roma community. Headlines such as "Riot Fury Gypsies Head Here" reflected a surge of loud and bleak warnings about the impending "invasion." At the same time, the "Polish plumber" was depicted as a menace to Britons' jobs -- although this threat has certainly never achieved the political resonance here as it has across the Channel in France.


    In the end, none of these dire warnings has actually materialized. The 2004 enlargement was not only one of the greatest achievements of the EU, marking the reconciliation between Eastern and Western Europe. It was also an unmitigated triumph for the U.K. economy. It has boosted economic growth and productivity, with immigrants fulfilling crucial roles in the British labor market. It is not only the Polish plumber who has become part of the fabric of British life. From hospitality and health care to construction and catering, their contribution has been immense. Rather than creating unemployment, these workers seem to be taking jobs locals no longer want to do. True, many more East Europeans came to the U.K. than the government had predicted. But this was not a trigger for economic doom -- even if it produced red faces for some at Whitehall.


    The people who have come to the U.K. are typically hard workers and more than 80% of them are under 35. Contrary to the ugly caricature of the welfare-consuming immigrant, only 1.3% of the new migrants applied for unemployment benefits. Actually, many of them are working in the public sector, thus strengthening the National Health Service and other public services.


    It is, though, disingenuous to solely concentrate on the benefits of migration without recognizing that there also costs. The influx of Poles to the U.K. in the last two years is the largest immigration of a national grouping in our nation's history. This has of course significant implications for the country's stretched public services, such as schools, hospitals and transport. Yet on many occasions the immigration debate seems to overemphasize the drawbacks and overlook the advantages.


    The evidence that the East European influx has acted as a catalyst for economic growth is strong. The accounting firm Grant Thornton recently estimated that their arrival has boosted economic growth by as much as 1% in 2005 and will probably do so again this year, thereby allowing Chancellor of the Exchequer Gordon Brown to meet his growth forecasts. Earlier this year, the "Item Club," an economic forecasting group sponsored by Ernst & Young, concluded that the migration had "proved remarkably positive for the economy, keeping interest rates 0.5% lower than they would otherwise have been."


    It is not only the U.K. that has been rewarded for embracing the spirit of enlargement. Sweden and Ireland were the only other countries to immediately open their labor markets for the new EU members, and their economies have benefited, too. The effect was most dramatic in Ireland, where as many as 85,000 workers have come to the country just in the year after enlargement. This has allowed the "Celtic tiger" to continue its high growth rate -- expected this year to reach 4.75%, or double the euro-zone average.


    Other EU members are slowly recognizing the economic benefits of immigration. A further five have lifted restrictions on the 2004 accession countries; Italy last month became the latest to do so. The Catalan State and Savings Banks and the Autonomous University of Barcelona released a study last week saying that the influx of immigrants from Eastern Europe and Africa to Spain has helped the Spanish economy to grow by 2.6% on average over the last 10 years. Without large-scale immigration, per capita GDP would have actually fallen, according to the report.


    If any group should be at the forefront of championing enlargement and immigration, it is the business community. It is no accident that London, the leading financial center in the world, has a work force comprising 189 nationalities. Business should stay faithful to the EU vision, first enunciated in the 1957 Treaty of Rome, of the free movement of workers. It is worth remembering that this is a two-way street. There are approximately 3,000 Britons in both the Czech Republic and Hungry, and the numbers are rising.


    The British government should continue its open-door policy when Bulgaria and Romania enter the EU. Such a policy is not only right for the U.K. It also makes sense for the rest of Europe. The prospect of further migration from Eastern Europe, which is likely to fuel economic growth, is a cause for celebration, not cowardice.

  11. Lasa Mircea, o repari dupa ce vine Bebele. Bine ca nu ai fost tu sau sotia in masina.




    In alta ordine de idei, inca un suport cu DWC a cazut victima unei soferite.


    Acum doua zile (Vineri seara) plec linistit de la servici spre casa. La Gradina Icoanei am un cedeaza dar vizibilitatea catre drumul cu prioritate imi este mascata de un Jeep negru si cu geamuri fumurii. Vad Jeepul ca demareaza, bag in treapta intai, accelerez usor dar apuc sa vad cu coada ochiului cum Jeep-ul franeaza brusc. Realizez ca de pe drumul cu prioritate vine o masina (mai tarziu am apucat sa vad ca este un Mercedes) asa ca franez si atunci aud binecunoscutul scartait de frane si o fractiune de secunda mai tarziu vine si impactul. Socul ma impinge inainte, calc disperat frana si apuc sa vad Mercedesul cum ma evita si se strecoara pe langa mine.


    Schita accidentului:



    Imi dau seama ca nu mai aud muzica, ma uit si vad mp3-ul iesit din soclu apoi ma uit in oglinda retrovizoare si vad o fata la volanul unui Doblo. Pe fata ei vad ura iar pe buze citesc cum imi umple frigiderul de carne. Enervat ca ma injura, ies din masina si-i reprosez ca ma injura degeaba. Coboara si ea si evaluam pagubele:



    post-174-1157241947_thumb.jpg post-174-1157241953_thumb.jpg



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    Probabil ca va trebui sa fac un polish la bara din spate. Fiatul, dupa cum se vede si din fotografii avea spoilerul spart iar conducatoarea mai avea putin si ma sugruma. Minte de soferita, cica "stiu ca aparent eu sunt vinovata, dar in realitate este vina Dvs pentru ca aveati timp sa treceti". Langa noi s-au mai strans cativa soferi de la firmele din zona si ei au spus ca Domnisoara este vinovata. Am stat o jumatate de ora pe langa ea sa-i explic unde a gresit... ti-ai gasit, nu a vrut sa inteleaga. Mi-a lasat impresia ca este suparata ca de ce mie nu mi s-a spart nimic si nu am pagube mai mari. Intr-un final am plecat iar Domnisoara se dadea de ceasul mortii ca acum va trebui sa plateasca spoilerul de la Fiat in loc sa mearga undeva sau sa faca ceva cu banii aia. De fapt, atitudinea ei m-a facut sa postez, altfel nici nu cred ca mi-as mai fi batut capul.


    Mircea, multumesc pentru sfaturi si pentru ajutor :)

  12. Mircea: Pai si pe-astea le-am facut mai mici ca erau prea mari :P


    dreaq: Am crezut ca ai escaladat vreun varf din Fagaras si ai facut pozele de pe munte.


    Frankie: Nu am sters nimic. Este posibil sa se fi sters automat cand am micsorat poza in Photoshop? Oricum, uite originalul :)




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