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Faruri & Stopuri Clare Tico

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even later edit:


Am vorbit cu un roman care este in China. El poate sa ne faca un colet.

Preturile de transport sunt de 8 usd / kg . Pot varia in sus daca e cantitatea mica sau in jos daca e foarte mare. Ca si referinta el mi-a recomandat sa ma gandesc la 8 usd/kg. Timpul de transport este intre 7 si 13 zile lucratoare. Exista si o varianta mai ieftina, posta normala, dar pe aceasta nu a folosit-o niciodata si stie ca este cel putin de 2 ori mai lenta.

Mai avem de platit TVA si alte taxe la o valoare de facturare. Aceasta valoare poate fi mai mica decat pretul real al produselor daca se declara "mostre". Ramane de vazut

Foarte important, ne trebuie o firma care sa faca importul. Aici sunt 2 optiuni, fie pune unul dintre noi la bataie firma lui, fie putem negocia cu partenerul sau din Romania. Ideea este ca acel partener isi va cere drepturile.

Toate astea se intampla daca reuseste el sa faca achizitionarea de la producatori. A zis ca va incerca sa-i contacteze, acum fiind weekend slabe sanse. Astept un semn de la el in momentul in care are un raspuns de la chinezi, cel mai devreme Marti.

Luand in calcul toate aceste considerente nu e de speriat daca pretul initial pe care l-a gasit Topser sa fie chiar dublat pana ajunge la noi. Din pacate valoarea produselor noastre este foarte mica si fiind voluminoase se pot aplica politici scumpe de preturi la transport. Chiar si in conditiile acestea eu zic ca merita avand in vedere ca am putea da 600mii pe un set de faruri si 400 pe un set de stopuri.

Nu luati aceste valori decat ca si pura speculatie.

Voi reveni cu detalii din ce in ce mai concise pe masura ce ele apar.


Pana una alta va rog dati drumul la lista. Cu cat ne strangem mai multi cu atat mai bine. Eu voi lua cate 2 seturi, va rog sa copiati lista mai jos si sa va adaugati numele la ea si comanda. Pentru identificare eu zic sa denumim stopurile A - cu predominant alb, si R - cu predominant rosu.



Lista persoane comanda ferma

1. remix - 2 perechi faruri, 1 pereche stopuri A, 1 pereche stopuri R

Edited by remix

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Pentru că tot ziceţi de tuning şi ştiu eu vreo doi procupaţi de becoleduri la triple, vă rog să-mi spuneţi şi mie ce becuri aveţi prin ele. Deocamdată mă interesează tipul de soclu şi diametrul globului. Restul e... istorie care se scrie :D

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1. remix - 2 perechi faruri, 1 pereche stopuri A, 1 pereche stopuri R

2. TopSer - 1 pereche faruri , 1 pereche stopuri A , 1 pereche stopuri R

3. Th3_Grimreaper - 1 pereche faruri , 1 pereche stopuri A , 1 pereche stopuri R

Edited by ToPser

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Eu vreau pentru Cielo urmatoarele produse :


- 1 set stopuri (LS-DL-006 CIELO TAIL LAMP(CRYSTAL) R 96187411)

- 1 set proiectoare (LS-DL-006 CIELO TAIL LAMP(CRYSTAL) R 96187411)

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Cred ca leutzu ar putea sa ne ajute cu importul...

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1. remix - 2 perechi faruri, 1 pereche stopuri A, 1 pereche stopuri R

2. TopSer - 1 pereche faruri , 1 pereche stopuri A , 1 pereche stopuri R

3. Th3_Grimreaper - 1 pereche faruri , 1 pereche stopuri A , 1 pereche stopuri R

4 AAdorjan - 1 pereche faruri , 1 pereche stopuri A , 1 pereche stopuri R

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1. remix - 2 perechi faruri, 1 pereche stopuri A, 1 pereche stopuri R

2. TopSer - 1 pereche faruri , 1 pereche stopuri A , 1 pereche stopuri R

3. Th3_Grimreaper - 1 pereche faruri , 1 pereche stopuri A , 1 pereche stopuri R

4 AAdorjan - 1 pereche faruri , 1 pereche stopuri A , 1 pereche stopuri R

5. tico_RS - 2 perechi faruri, 2 perechi stopuri A

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1. remix - 2 perechi faruri, 1 pereche stopuri A, 1 pereche stopuri R

2. TopSer - 1 pereche faruri , 1 pereche stopuri A , 1 pereche stopuri R

3. Th3_Grimreaper - 1 pereche faruri , 1 pereche stopuri A , 1 pereche stopuri R

4 AAdorjan - 1 pereche faruri , 1 pereche stopuri A , 1 pereche stopuri R

5. tico_RS - 2 perechi faruri, 2 perechi stopuri A

6.el cid - 1 pereche faruri , 2 perechi stopuri A

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1. remix - 2 perechi faruri, 1 pereche stopuri A, 1 pereche stopuri R

2. TopSer - 1 pereche faruri , 1 pereche stopuri A , 1 pereche stopuri R

3. Th3_Grimreaper - 1 pereche faruri , 1 pereche stopuri A , 1 pereche stopuri R

4 AAdorjan - 1 pereche faruri , 1 pereche stopuri A , 1 pereche stopuri R

5. tico_RS - 2 perechi faruri, 2 perechi stopuri A

6. el cid - 1 pereche faruri , 2 perechi stopuri A

7. Gamerul - 1 set faruri (LS-DL-002 CIELO HEAD LAMP(CRYSTAL) + LS-DL-004 CIELO CORNER LAMP(CRYSTAL)), 1 set stopuri (LS-DL-006 CIELO TAIL LAMP(CRYSTAL) R 96187411), 1 set proiectoare (LS-DL-006 CIELO TAIL LAMP(CRYSTAL) R 96187411)

8. Leutzu - 2 perechi faruri, 2 perechi stopuri A

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1. remix - 2 perechi faruri, 1 pereche stopuri A, 1 pereche stopuri R

2. TopSer - 1 pereche faruri , 1 pereche stopuri A , 1 pereche stopuri R

3. Th3_Grimreaper - 1 pereche faruri , 1 pereche stopuri A , 1 pereche stopuri R

4 AAdorjan - 1 pereche faruri , 1 pereche stopuri A , 1 pereche stopuri R

5. tico_RS - 2 perechi faruri, 2 perechi stopuri A

6. el cid - 1 pereche faruri , 2 perechi stopuri A

7. Gamerul - 1 set faruri (LS-DL-002 CIELO HEAD LAMP(CRYSTAL) + LS-DL-004 CIELO CORNER LAMP(CRYSTAL)), 1 set stopuri (LS-DL-006 CIELO TAIL LAMP(CRYSTAL) R 96187411), 1 set proiectoare (LS-DL-006 CIELO TAIL LAMP(CRYSTAL) R 96187411)

8. Leutzu - 2 perechi faruri, 2 perechi stopuri A

9. Danker62- 1 pereche faruri, 1 pereche stopuri A, 1 pereche stopuri R

Edited by danker62

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1. remix - 2 perechi faruri, 1 pereche stopuri A, 1 pereche stopuri R

2. TopSer - 1 pereche faruri , 1 pereche stopuri A , 1 pereche stopuri R

3. Th3_Grimreaper - 1 pereche faruri , 1 pereche stopuri A , 1 pereche stopuri R

4 AAdorjan - 1 pereche faruri , 1 pereche stopuri A , 1 pereche stopuri R

5. tico_RS - 2 perechi faruri, 2 perechi stopuri A

6. el cid - 1 pereche faruri , 2 perechi stopuri A

7. Gamerul - 1 set faruri (LS-DL-002 CIELO HEAD LAMP(CRYSTAL) + LS-DL-004 CIELO CORNER LAMP(CRYSTAL)), 1 set stopuri (LS-DL-006 CIELO TAIL LAMP(CRYSTAL) R 96187411), 1 set proiectoare (LS-DL-006 CIELO TAIL LAMP(CRYSTAL) R 96187411)

8. Leutzu - 2 perechi faruri, 2 perechi stopuri A

9. Danker62- 1 pereche faruri, 1 pereche stopuri A, 1 pereche stopuri R

10.Ingineru-1 pereche faruri,1 pereche stopuri A

Edited by Ingineru

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1. remix - 2 perechi faruri, 1 pereche stopuri A, 1 pereche stopuri R

2. TopSer - 1 pereche faruri , 1 pereche stopuri A , 1 pereche stopuri R

3. Th3_Grimreaper - 1 pereche faruri , 1 pereche stopuri A , 1 pereche stopuri R

4 AAdorjan - 1 pereche faruri , 1 pereche stopuri A , 1 pereche stopuri R

5. tico_RS - 2 perechi faruri, 2 perechi stopuri A

6. el cid - 1 pereche faruri , 2 perechi stopuri A

7. Gamerul - 1 set faruri (LS-DL-002 CIELO HEAD LAMP(CRYSTAL) + LS-DL-004 CIELO CORNER LAMP(CRYSTAL)), 1 set stopuri (LS-DL-006 CIELO TAIL LAMP(CRYSTAL) R 96187411), 1 set proiectoare (LS-DL-006 CIELO TAIL LAMP(CRYSTAL) R 96187411)

8. Leutzu - 2 perechi faruri, 2 perechi stopuri A

9. Danker62- 1 pereche faruri, 1 pereche stopuri A, 1 pereche stopuri R

10.Ingineru-1 pereche faruri,1 pereche stopuri A

11.Pedala - 1 pereche faruri , 1 pereche stopuri R

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1. remix - 2 perechi faruri, 1 pereche stopuri A, 1 pereche stopuri R

2. TopSer - 1 pereche faruri , 1 pereche stopuri A , 1 pereche stopuri R

3. Th3_Grimreaper - 1 pereche faruri , 1 pereche stopuri A , 1 pereche stopuri R

4 AAdorjan - 1 pereche faruri , 1 pereche stopuri A , 1 pereche stopuri R

5. tico_RS - 2 perechi faruri, 2 perechi stopuri A

6. el cid - 1 pereche faruri , 2 perechi stopuri A

7. Gamerul - 1 set faruri (LS-DL-002 CIELO HEAD LAMP(CRYSTAL) + LS-DL-004 CIELO CORNER LAMP(CRYSTAL)), 1 set stopuri (LS-DL-006 CIELO TAIL LAMP(CRYSTAL) R 96187411), 1 set proiectoare (LS-DL-006 CIELO TAIL LAMP(CRYSTAL) R 96187411)

8. Leutzu - 2 perechi faruri, 2 perechi stopuri A

9. Danker62- 1 pereche faruri, 1 pereche stopuri A, 1 pereche stopuri R

10.Ingineru-1 pereche faruri,1 pereche stopuri A

11.Paul_Ferrari - 2 perechi faruri, 2 perechi stopuri A

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1. remix - 2 perechi faruri, 1 pereche stopuri A, 1 pereche stopuri R

2. TopSer - 1 pereche faruri , 1 pereche stopuri A , 1 pereche stopuri R

3. Th3_Grimreaper - 1 pereche faruri , 1 pereche stopuri A , 1 pereche stopuri R

4 AAdorjan - 1 pereche faruri , 1 pereche stopuri A , 1 pereche stopuri R

5. tico_RS - 2 perechi faruri, 2 perechi stopuri A

6. el cid - 1 pereche faruri , 2 perechi stopuri A

7. Gamerul - 1 set faruri (LS-DL-002 CIELO HEAD LAMP(CRYSTAL) + LS-DL-004 CIELO CORNER LAMP(CRYSTAL)), 1 set stopuri (LS-DL-006 CIELO TAIL LAMP(CRYSTAL) R 96187411), 1 set proiectoare (LS-DL-006 CIELO TAIL LAMP(CRYSTAL) R 96187411)

8. Leutzu - 2 perechi faruri, 2 perechi stopuri A

9. Danker62- 1 pereche faruri, 1 pereche stopuri A, 1 pereche stopuri R

10.Ingineru-1 pereche faruri,1 pereche stopuri A

11.Paul_Ferrari - 2 perechi faruri, 2 perechi stopuri A

12.Pedala - 1 pereche faruri , 1 pereche stopuri R


Postare succesiva (nu apar la Paul_Ferrari)

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1. remix - 2 perechi faruri, 1 pereche stopuri A, 1 pereche stopuri R

2. TopSer - 1 pereche faruri , 1 pereche stopuri A , 1 pereche stopuri R

3. Th3_Grimreaper - 1 pereche faruri , 1 pereche stopuri A , 1 pereche stopuri R

4 AAdorjan - 1 pereche faruri , 1 pereche stopuri A , 1 pereche stopuri R

5. tico_RS - 2 perechi faruri, 2 perechi stopuri A

6. el cid - 1 pereche faruri , 2 perechi stopuri A

7. Gamerul - 1 set faruri (LS-DL-002 CIELO HEAD LAMP(CRYSTAL) + LS-DL-004 CIELO CORNER LAMP(CRYSTAL)), 1 set stopuri (LS-DL-006 CIELO TAIL LAMP(CRYSTAL) R 96187411), 1 set proiectoare (LS-DL-006 CIELO TAIL LAMP(CRYSTAL) R 96187411)

8. Leutzu - 2 perechi faruri, 2 perechi stopuri A

9. Danker62- 1 pereche faruri, 1 pereche stopuri A, 1 pereche stopuri R

10.Ingineru-1 pereche faruri,1 pereche stopuri A

11.Paul_Ferrari - 2 perechi faruri, 2 perechi stopuri A

12.Pedala - 1 pereche faruri , 1 pereche stopuri R

13.negoctav - 1 pereche faruri , 1 pereche stopuri A , 1 pereche stopuri R

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1. remix - 2 perechi faruri, 1 pereche stopuri A, 1 pereche stopuri R

2. TopSer - 1 pereche faruri , 1 pereche stopuri A , 1 pereche stopuri R

3. Th3_Grimreaper - 1 pereche faruri , 1 pereche stopuri A , 1 pereche stopuri R

4 AAdorjan - 1 pereche faruri , 1 pereche stopuri A , 1 pereche stopuri R

5. tico_RS - 2 perechi faruri, 2 perechi stopuri A

6. el cid - 1 pereche faruri , 2 perechi stopuri A

7. Gamerul - 1 set faruri (LS-DL-002 CIELO HEAD LAMP(CRYSTAL) + LS-DL-004 CIELO CORNER LAMP(CRYSTAL)), 1 set stopuri (LS-DL-006 CIELO TAIL LAMP(CRYSTAL) R 96187411), 1 set proiectoare (LS-DL-006 CIELO TAIL LAMP(CRYSTAL) R 96187411)

8. Leutzu - 2 perechi faruri, 2 perechi stopuri A

9. Danker62- 1 pereche faruri, 1 pereche stopuri A, 1 pereche stopuri R

10.Ingineru-1 pereche faruri,1 pereche stopuri A

11.Paul_Ferrari - 2 perechi faruri, 2 perechi stopuri A

12.Pedala - 1 pereche faruri , 1 pereche stopuri R

13.negoctav - 1 pereche faruri , 1 pereche stopuri A , 1 pereche stopuri R



16 perechi faruri, 16 perechi stopuri A, 6 perechi stopuri R


Extra Gamerul cu un set crystal de Cielo.






Va rog sa va adaugati la lista actualizand si totalul pentru o mai usoara contabilizare a cererilor. Copiati toata lista, inclusiv totalul, va adaugati la lista si recalculati totalul. Multumesc.



Nu am inca stiri de la persoana din China, sper sa imi scrie ceva azi sau maine.

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1. remix - 2 perechi faruri, 1 pereche stopuri A, 1 pereche stopuri R

2. TopSer - 1 pereche faruri , 1 pereche stopuri A , 1 pereche stopuri R

3. Th3_Grimreaper - 1 pereche faruri , 1 pereche stopuri A , 1 pereche stopuri R

4 AAdorjan - 1 pereche faruri , 1 pereche stopuri A , 1 pereche stopuri R

5. tico_RS - 2 perechi faruri, 2 perechi stopuri A

6. el cid - 1 pereche faruri , 2 perechi stopuri A

7. Gamerul - 1 set faruri (LS-DL-002 CIELO HEAD LAMP(CRYSTAL) + LS-DL-004 CIELO CORNER LAMP(CRYSTAL)), 1 set stopuri (LS-DL-006 CIELO TAIL LAMP(CRYSTAL) R 96187411), 1 set proiectoare (LS-DL-006 CIELO TAIL LAMP(CRYSTAL) R 96187411)

8. Leutzu - 2 perechi faruri, 2 perechi stopuri A

9. Danker62- 1 pereche faruri, 1 pereche stopuri A, 1 pereche stopuri R

10.Ingineru-1 pereche faruri,1 pereche stopuri A

11.Paul_Ferrari - 2 perechi faruri, 2 perechi stopuri A

12.Pedala - 1 pereche faruri , 1 pereche stopuri R

13.negoctav - 1 pereche faruri , 1 pereche stopuri A , 1 pereche stopuri R

14.NNI_SL - 2 pereche faruri , 1 pereche stopuri A , 1 pereche stopuri R



18 perechi faruri, 17 perechi stopuri A, 7 perechi stopuri R

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1. remix - 2 perechi faruri, 1 pereche stopuri A, 1 pereche stopuri R

2. TopSer - 1 pereche faruri , 1 pereche stopuri A , 1 pereche stopuri R

3. Th3_Grimreaper - 1 pereche faruri , 1 pereche stopuri A , 1 pereche stopuri R

4 AAdorjan - 1 pereche faruri , 1 pereche stopuri A , 1 pereche stopuri R

5. tico_RS - 2 perechi faruri, 2 perechi stopuri A

6. el cid - 1 pereche faruri , 2 perechi stopuri A

7. Gamerul - 1 set faruri (LS-DL-002 CIELO HEAD LAMP(CRYSTAL) + LS-DL-004 CIELO CORNER LAMP(CRYSTAL)), 1 set stopuri (LS-DL-006 CIELO TAIL LAMP(CRYSTAL) R 96187411), 1 set proiectoare (LS-DL-006 CIELO TAIL LAMP(CRYSTAL) R 96187411)

8. Leutzu - 2 perechi faruri, 2 perechi stopuri A

9. Danker62- 1 pereche faruri, 1 pereche stopuri A, 1 pereche stopuri R

10.Ingineru-1 pereche faruri,1 pereche stopuri A

11.Paul_Ferrari - 2 perechi faruri, 2 perechi stopuri A

12.Pedala - 1 pereche faruri , 1 pereche stopuri R

13.negoctav - 1 pereche faruri , 1 pereche stopuri A , 1 pereche stopuri R

14.NNI_SL - 2 pereche faruri , 1 pereche stopuri A , 1 pereche stopuri R

15. Sfantul - 1 pereche faruri, 1 pereche stopuri A, 1 pereche stopuri R



19 perechi faruri, 18 perechi stopuri A, 8 perechi stopuri R

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Vreau si eu urmatoarele:

- 1 set faruri (LS-DL-002 CIELO HEAD LAMP(CRYSTAL)

- 1 set lampi semnalizare ( LS-DL-004 CIELO CORNER LAMP(CRYSTAL))

- 1 set proiectoare (LS-DL-021 CIELO FOG LAMP(CRYSTAL))




1. remix - 2 perechi faruri, 1 pereche stopuri A, 1 pereche stopuri R

2. TopSer - 1 pereche faruri , 1 pereche stopuri A , 1 pereche stopuri R

3. Th3_Grimreaper - 1 pereche faruri , 1 pereche stopuri A , 1 pereche stopuri R

4 AAdorjan - 1 pereche faruri , 1 pereche stopuri A , 1 pereche stopuri R

5. tico_RS - 2 perechi faruri, 2 perechi stopuri A

6. el cid - 1 pereche faruri , 2 perechi stopuri A

7. Gamerul - 1 set faruri (LS-DL-002 CIELO HEAD LAMP(CRYSTAL) + LS-DL-004 CIELO CORNER LAMP(CRYSTAL)), 1 set stopuri (LS-DL-006 CIELO TAIL LAMP(CRYSTAL) R 96187411), 1 set proiectoare (LS-DL-006 CIELO TAIL LAMP(CRYSTAL) R 96187411)

8. Leutzu - 2 perechi faruri, 2 perechi stopuri A

9. Danker62- 1 pereche faruri, 1 pereche stopuri A, 1 pereche stopuri R

10.Ingineru-1 pereche faruri,1 pereche stopuri A

11.Paul_Ferrari - 2 perechi faruri, 2 perechi stopuri A

12.Pedala - 1 pereche faruri , 1 pereche stopuri R

13.negoctav - 1 pereche faruri , 1 pereche stopuri A , 1 pereche stopuri R

14.NNI_SL - 2 pereche faruri , 1 pereche stopuri A , 1 pereche stopuri R

15. Sfantul - 1 pereche faruri, 1 pereche stopuri A, 1 pereche stopuri R

16. Mad MAX - 1 perechefaruri crystal Cielo, 1 pereche proiectoare ceata crystal Cielo, 1 pereche lampi semnalizare crystal Cielo



19 perechi faruri, 18 perechi stopuri A, 8 perechi stopuri R


PS: Stie cineva preturile la reperele pentru cielo?

Edited by Mad MAX

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1. remix - 2 perechi faruri, 1 pereche stopuri A, 1 pereche stopuri R

2. TopSer - 1 pereche faruri , 1 pereche stopuri A , 1 pereche stopuri R

3. Th3_Grimreaper - 1 pereche faruri , 1 pereche stopuri A , 1 pereche stopuri R

4 AAdorjan - 1 pereche faruri , 1 pereche stopuri A , 1 pereche stopuri R

5. tico_RS - 2 perechi faruri, 2 perechi stopuri A

6. el cid - 1 pereche faruri , 2 perechi stopuri A

7. Gamerul - 1 set faruri (LS-DL-002 CIELO HEAD LAMP(CRYSTAL) + LS-DL-004 CIELO CORNER LAMP(CRYSTAL)), 1 set stopuri (LS-DL-006 CIELO TAIL LAMP(CRYSTAL) R 96187411), 1 set proiectoare (LS-DL-006 CIELO TAIL LAMP(CRYSTAL) R 96187411)

8. Leutzu - 2 perechi faruri, 2 perechi stopuri A

9. Danker62- 1 pereche faruri, 1 pereche stopuri A, 1 pereche stopuri R

10.Ingineru-1 pereche faruri,1 pereche stopuri A

11.Paul_Ferrari - 2 perechi faruri, 2 perechi stopuri A

12.Pedala - 1 pereche faruri , 1 pereche stopuri R

13.negoctav - 1 pereche faruri , 1 pereche stopuri A , 1 pereche stopuri R

14.NNI_SL - 2 pereche faruri , 1 pereche stopuri A , 1 pereche stopuri R

15. Sfantul - 1 pereche faruri, 1 pereche stopuri A, 1 pereche stopuri R

16. Mad MAX - 1 perechefaruri crystal Cielo, 1 pereche proiectoare ceata crystal Cielo, 1 pereche lampi semnalizare crystal Cielo

17.edu - 1 pereche faruri, 1 pereche stopuri A



20 perechi faruri, 19 perechi stopuri A, 8 perechi stopuri R

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1. remix - 2 perechi faruri, 1 pereche stopuri A, 1 pereche stopuri R

2. TopSer - 1 pereche faruri , 1 pereche stopuri A , 1 pereche stopuri R

3. Th3_Grimreaper - 1 pereche faruri , 1 pereche stopuri A , 1 pereche stopuri R

4 AAdorjan - 1 pereche faruri , 1 pereche stopuri A , 1 pereche stopuri R

5. tico_RS - 2 perechi faruri, 2 perechi stopuri A

6. el cid - 1 pereche faruri , 2 perechi stopuri A

7. Gamerul - 1 set faruri (LS-DL-002 CIELO HEAD LAMP(CRYSTAL) + LS-DL-004 CIELO CORNER LAMP(CRYSTAL)), 1 set stopuri (LS-DL-006 CIELO TAIL LAMP(CRYSTAL) R 96187411), 1 set proiectoare (LS-DL-006 CIELO TAIL LAMP(CRYSTAL) R 96187411)

8. Leutzu - 2 perechi faruri, 2 perechi stopuri A

9. Danker62- 1 pereche faruri, 1 pereche stopuri A, 1 pereche stopuri R

10.Ingineru-1 pereche faruri,1 pereche stopuri A

11.Paul_Ferrari - 2 perechi faruri, 2 perechi stopuri A

12.Pedala - 1 pereche faruri , 1 pereche stopuri R

13.negoctav - 1 pereche faruri , 1 pereche stopuri A , 1 pereche stopuri R

14.NNI_SL - 2 pereche faruri , 1 pereche stopuri A , 1 pereche stopuri R

15. Sfantul - 1 pereche faruri, 1 pereche stopuri A, 1 pereche stopuri R

16. Mad MAX - 1 pereche faruri crystal Cielo, 1 pereche proiectoare ceata crystal Cielo, 1 pereche lampi semnalizare crystal Cielo

17.edu - 1 pereche faruri, 1 pereche stopuri A



20 perechi faruri, 19 perechi stopuri A, 8 perechi stopuri R

2 perechi faruri crystal Cielo, 2 perechi proiectoare ceata crystal Cielo, 2 perechi lampi semnalizare crystal Cielo, 1 pereche stopuri crystal Cielo

Edited by Gamerul

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1. remix - 2 perechi faruri, 1 pereche stopuri A, 1 pereche stopuri R

2. TopSer - 1 pereche faruri , 1 pereche stopuri A , 1 pereche stopuri R

3. Th3_Grimreaper - 1 pereche faruri , 1 pereche stopuri A , 1 pereche stopuri R

4 AAdorjan - 1 pereche faruri , 1 pereche stopuri A , 1 pereche stopuri R

5. tico_RS - 2 perechi faruri, 2 perechi stopuri A

6. el cid - 1 pereche faruri , 2 perechi stopuri A

7. Gamerul - 1 set faruri (LS-DL-002 CIELO HEAD LAMP(CRYSTAL) + LS-DL-004 CIELO CORNER LAMP(CRYSTAL)), 1 set stopuri (LS-DL-006 CIELO TAIL LAMP(CRYSTAL) R 96187411), 1 set proiectoare (LS-DL-006 CIELO TAIL LAMP(CRYSTAL) R 96187411)

8. Leutzu - 2 perechi faruri, 2 perechi stopuri A

9. Danker62- 1 pereche faruri, 1 pereche stopuri A, 1 pereche stopuri R

10.Ingineru-1 pereche faruri,1 pereche stopuri A

11.Paul_Ferrari - 2 perechi faruri, 2 perechi stopuri A

12.Pedala - 1 pereche faruri , 1 pereche stopuri R

13.negoctav - 1 pereche faruri , 1 pereche stopuri A , 1 pereche stopuri R

14.NNI_SL - 2 pereche faruri , 1 pereche stopuri A , 1 pereche stopuri R

15. Sfantul - 1 pereche faruri, 1 pereche stopuri A, 1 pereche stopuri R

16. Mad MAX - 1 pereche faruri crystal Cielo, 1 pereche proiectoare ceata crystal Cielo, 1 pereche lampi semnalizare crystal Cielo

17.edu - 1 pereche faruri, 1 pereche stopuri A

18.AZTEC - 1 pereche faruri , 1 pereche stopuri A , 1 pereche stopuri R


21 perechi faruri, 20 perechi stopuri A, 9 perechi stopuri R

2 perechi faruri crystal Cielo, 2 perechi proiectoare ceata crystal Cielo, 2 perechi lampi semnalizare crystal Cielo, 1 pereche stopuri crystal Cielo

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Stai linistit , ca am vorbit eu cu el ,vrea 100 euro si stopurile normale...acum sunt pe bursa !!! :D

Edited by ToPser

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1. remix - 2 perechi faruri, 1 pereche stopuri A, 1 pereche stopuri R

2. TopSer - 1 pereche faruri , 1 pereche stopuri A , 1 pereche stopuri R

3. Th3_Grimreaper - 1 pereche faruri , 1 pereche stopuri A , 1 pereche stopuri R

4 AAdorjan - 1 pereche faruri , 1 pereche stopuri A , 1 pereche stopuri R

5. tico_RS - 2 perechi faruri, 2 perechi stopuri A

6. el cid - 1 pereche faruri , 2 perechi stopuri A

7. Gamerul - 1 set faruri (LS-DL-002 CIELO HEAD LAMP(CRYSTAL) + LS-DL-004 CIELO CORNER LAMP(CRYSTAL)), 1 set stopuri (LS-DL-006 CIELO TAIL LAMP(CRYSTAL) R 96187411), 1 set proiectoare (LS-DL-006 CIELO TAIL LAMP(CRYSTAL) R 96187411)

8. Leutzu - 2 perechi faruri, 2 perechi stopuri A

9. Danker62- 1 pereche faruri, 1 pereche stopuri A, 1 pereche stopuri R

10.Ingineru-1 pereche faruri,1 pereche stopuri A

11.Paul_Ferrari - 2 perechi faruri, 2 perechi stopuri A

12.Pedala - 1 pereche faruri , 1 pereche stopuri R

13.negoctav - 1 pereche faruri , 1 pereche stopuri A , 1 pereche stopuri R

14.NNI_SL - 2 pereche faruri , 1 pereche stopuri A , 1 pereche stopuri R

15. Sfantul - 1 pereche faruri, 1 pereche stopuri A, 1 pereche stopuri R

16. Mad MAX - 2 perechi faruri crystal Cielo, 2 perechi proiectoare ceata crystal Cielo, 2 perechi lampi semnalizare crystal Cielo ; 1 pereche stopuri crystal cielo

17.edu - 1 pereche faruri, 1 pereche stopuri A

18.AZTEC - 1 pereche faruri , 1 pereche stopuri A , 1 pereche stopuri R


21 perechi faruri, 20 perechi stopuri A, 9 perechi stopuri R

3 perechi faruri crystal Cielo, 3 perechi proiectoare ceata crystal Cielo, 3 perechi lampi semnalizare crystal Cielo, 2 pereche stopuri crystal Cielo

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