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Posts posted by Basenji

  1. Germany : place rather far, expensive and not used to Daewoo vehicles.

    Slvakia seems to be on the middle of the road with well developed tursit base, easy to be reached both from Poland, Romania, Czech Republic and Hungary.

    The problem is to find someone from there who would decide to join the enterprise and help organise all.

    :? Zdrowko

  2. Hi Folks,

    Recently several persons from Romania sent have sent us nice pictures of their vehicles. It seems, that Tico is not a mamouth and is still alive and kicking. http://www.ttt.ntx.pl/phpBB2/viewtopic.php...er=asc&start=30

    So, perhaps we can think about having some meeting during the summer ( July / August 2005) somehow in the middle of the road?

    Southern Poland, maybe Slovakia or Czech Republic?

    3 days at some camping site?


    We ( Tico Tuning Team) are willing to meet some other tico tuners but also other fans of tico and matiz from Europe?

    Maybe the Russians also can come?

    Let us know.



  3. :lol:

    The page of the shop in English: http://www.cyfronika.com.pl/default_en.HTM

    I hope, you can find all necessary information here. If not, write to me and I'll try to help you somehow.

    Zdrowko :)


    I'll chceck some other source.

    Give me your e-mails to send you pictures with installed revolution counter.



    description of method of payment that certain gauge.


    Obrotomierz umożliwia stałą kontrolę obrotów silnika . w zakresie 500-8000 obr./min. Urządzenie pobiera dane z przewodu wysokiego napięcia (wystarcza owinięcie przewodu izolowanym kabelkiem). Może być również zamiennie podłączone do wyprowadzenia niskonapięciowego z aparatu zapłonowego. Zasilanie układu z instalacji samochodowej 12V. Przyrząd może pracować zarówno w warunkach warsztatowych jak i zamontowany na stałe w pojedzie. Urządzenie pracuje wyłącznie w zakresie napięć bezpiecznych.

    Wymiary: średnica 78 mm; głębokość 75 mm.

    Przecięcie pętelki z drutu na odwrocie obudowy przełącza urządzenie z 4 na 2 (lub z 6 na 3 ) cylindry. .

    Udzielamy 12 miesięcznej gwarancji.

    [color="green">How to install it?

    I simply asked my car electrician, who had some tools to calibrate it.

  4. Hi Folks,

    Here is the link to the page of the producer of analog tachometers


    Cost - 179,00 zlotcyh (about 40 Euro).

    I have such gauge instaled in my car - it works very well.

    If you decide to order it, you must mention, that it is for 3 cylinder Daewoo.



    And the digital one




    If you want to see it installed- please send me your maill addresses

  5. Is anibody able to tell me if exists something adaptable?


    I need an enclosed one, I dont' want to put it in the dash-board of my Matiz ... I want to put it ON the dash-board ... it should be an classical, analogic gauge, I don't like digital ones ...



    Tachometer- do you mean speedometer or a classical tachometer that is found in buses or trucks? :roll: Or maybe revolution counter, that measures rotation of your engine? If the last one, the answer is yes.

    Both digital and analog for 3 cylinder engines are available in Poland.

    I have an analog in my vehicle.


  6. Citez aici pe zalmoxis:


    "Mai ce stiti de motorizarea de 1000cmc ? e rost s-o aplicam si la astea mici ale noastre o avea aceeasi cutie prindre etc or fi compatibile !?!?!"


    Iata datele comparative intre motoarele de 0.8l si 1l:



    tip: F8CV

    cilindree: 796cmc

    arhitectura: 3L, transversal

    putere: 51CP/5900rpm

    cuplu: 68.6Nm/4600rpm

    viteza maxima: 144km/h

    0-100km/h: 17.00s

    cutie viteze: 5 trepte

    consum (urban/extraurban/mixt):  8.4/5.2/6.4l

    capacitate rezervor: 35l

    masa masinii (in ordine de mers): 776kg




    tip: ??

    cilindree: 995cmc

    arhitectura: 4L, transversal

    putere: 63CP/5400rpm

    cuplu: 87.3Nm/4200rpm

    viteza maxima: 152km/h

    0-100km/h: 12.90s

    cutie viteze: 5 trepte

    consum (urban/extraurban/mixt):  8.2/5.3/6.4l

    capacitate rezervor: 38l

    masa masinii (in ordine de mers): 825kg


    Datele le-am luat de pe site-ul QUATTRORUOTE  si DaewooEuropa (Anglia) si se refera la Matiz II, varianta de 0.8l nu cred ca difera la mecanica de astea ale noastre.


    Avantajele motorului de 1l sint clare: viteza mai mare, demaraj mult imbunatatit, consum urban mai mic (cuplul se obtine mai jos); daca aflam codurile cutiilor de viteze pentru cele 2 motorizari ne putem da seama daca sint diferite si tot asa ...


    Aceasta modificare cred ca este suficient de scumpa ca sa nu ne batem prea mult capul cu ea (implica sigur alt computer, delcou, bobina de inductie, etc.), dar hai sa vedem ce ar insemna totusi ...


    The same axeleration (as 1l engine) you can have after doing GT of your engine or chip tuning.

    Or, they are the data of my Tico.



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